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=                Click on this line to explore an evolving dictionary of about 1,500 words that appear often in the over 10,000 essays available on this web site                     =
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= Use this dictionary to find essays of interest to you.   Future  features  will enable  users  to  augment  their  own  search-word-lists  on the  basis  of how  frequently words  =
= have appeared in the essays found here at this web-site The focus here is upon facilitating open-and-honest discussions-with-friends about - - - -  How can we each =
= discern whom we can most trust and admire in-the-long-term in GOD's PLANET-EARTH'S changing environment with finite supplies of OIL, NATURAL GAS and COAL that are being EXHAUSTED. =

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a7309011.htm is the "name" of the web page which shows the first essay written during the writer's first academic sabbatical. Clicking on a7309011.htm will show on your screen the first essay written --- in the year 1973 in the 09th month on the 11th day. The format of the essay-name is @yymmdd; where @ = a means 1900's, @ = b means 2000's; and # is a sequence number for the essay during that day.

The first essay written is prefaced with a historical comment and a hyper-link to a historical comment about a coed who struck up a dialogue about the set of essays which she had purchased in the college bookstore.

When viewing on your screen any-essay-text you will be able to click on a hyper-link at the RIGHT-end of a line just above the text of the essay --- with the words "Following-Essay" --- to see the essay written NEXT-AFTER the essay you are viewing at the moment. IT IS LIKE TURNING A BOOK PAGE FORWARD.

When viewing on your screen any-essay-text you will be able to click on a hyper link at the LEFT-end of a line just above the text of the essay --- with the words "Previous-Essay" --- to see the essay written JUST-BEFORE the essay you are viewing at the moment. IT IS LIKE TURNING A BOOK PAGE BACKWARD.

Thus you can start with the first essay a7309011.htm and read essays-in-order as far you wish.

You can click on any hyper-link Home-Page to start over if you see no other hyper-link that you want to try.

To continue, click on one of the hyper-links above.

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