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=                Click on this line to explore an evolving dictionary of about 1,500 words that appear often in the over 10,000 essays available on this web site                     =
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= Use this dictionary to find essays of interest to you.   Future  features  will enable  users  to  augment  their  own  search-word-lists  on the  basis  of how  frequently words  =
= have appeared in the essays found here at this web-site The focus here is upon facilitating open-and-honest discussions-with-friends about - - - -  How can we each =
= discern whom we can most trust and admire in-the-long-term in GOD's PLANET-EARTH'S changing environment with finite supplies of OIL, NATURAL GAS and COAL that are being EXHAUSTED. =

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a7309011.htm is the "name" of the web page which shows the first essay written. Clicking on a7309011.htm will show on your screen the first essay written --- in the year 1973 in the 09th month on the 11th day. The format of the essay-name is @yymmdd; where @ = a means 1900's, @ = b means 2000's; and # is a sequence number for the essay during that day.

When viewing on your screen any-essay-text you will be able to click on a hyper-link at the RIGHT-end of a line just above the text of the essay --- with the words "Following-Essay" --- to see the essay written NEXT-AFTER the essay you are viewing at the moment. IT IS LIKE TURNING A BOOK PAGE FORWARD.

When viewing on your screen any-essay-text you will be able to click on a hyper link at the LEFT-end of a line just above the text of the essay --- with the words "Previous-Essay" --- to see the essay written JUST-BEFORE the essay you are viewing at the moment. IT IS LIKE TURNING A BOOK PAGE BACKWARD.

Thus you can start with the first essay a7309011.htm and read essays-in-order as far you wish.

Feel free to click on other hyper-links to explore where you wish --- keeping the next line in mind!

You can click on any hyper-link Home-Page to start over if you see no other hyper-link that you want to try.

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