This is the old set of instructions which were formerly on the HOME-PAGE of
You can use to search just
this web-site with search strings
including sex; e.g. with the search string: this-essay sex love risk
The entry this-essay excludes most other web sits from reports, if you wish to do so.
FIRST jot down the just-following 7 instructions. They will disappear!
(1) RIGHT-Click on a blank part of this screen.
(2) LEFT-Click on the word "print" below the middle of a-small-window.
(3) LEFT-Click on the circle left of the word "Print" in a-small-window.
(4) Make sure the digit "1" is in the long box to the circle's right.
(5) LEFT-Click on the word "Print" at the bottom of of that screen.
(6) Patiently wait for the one page to print out on your printer.
(7) Take the page from the printer, study it, and do as told below:
(1) LEFT-Click on the following LINK below: THIS-WINDOW-WILL-VANISH!
(2) LEFT-Click on "advanced search" at right end of a search-string-window
(3) Use the next-presented-option "Find results with all of the words"
(4) Type-in each of the FOLLOWING words in-the-long-narrow-box-provided.
this-essay sex love
Including "this-essay" excludes most results from outside of this web site
Leaving-out "this-essay" will include results from the world-wide-web.
The ending says which web site to focus attention upon.
(5) To say how many reports you want, do so LEFT of "Google Search" at upper-right.
(6) Check-and-Set other-options-available as you desire.
(7) LEFT-Click on "Google-search" in the upper-right of the the opened-window.
(8) Examine the Google-Search reports and LEFT-Click on underlined line(s).
(9) On Google-Search reports it is useful to click on the word "Cached" in bottom lines.
to see your search words highlighted in a color-coded way within the essay-text.
On Google-search results look of option to search-within-results at the very bottom of page.
Use that option to revine/narrow search with a second-order "and-also" added-search.
Use "another-word" from below, with "sex" used as above, to find other intesting essays
written to encourage profound thinking and dialogue. Beware of thinking that anyone
has all the right answers, or THE TRUTH! Beware of those who "feel" or
"think" that they do have all the right answers, or THE TRUTH!
Use words below individually or in pairs with the word "sex" in search strings:
intimacy friend security vulnerability coercion invulnerable authentic
honest arrogant gracious addict hope recover peace war forgive terror
alcohol health attack consent contentious civility contest cooperate
win shalom lose superior humility best power concentrate corrupt gain
distributive justice win heal marriage abuse rape share control disease
pornography prostitution legal taboo forbid prescribe proscribe God heaven
pray vision dream tempt temptation yield submit let go permit open relax
integrity conform conformity coherent loyal loyalty bond right civil
diversity different privacy privat creative birth mental Jack Jill
Different search combinations will yield different numbers of hits, maybe zero!
If you get zero results; relax your search criteria in some way to bet more results.