blog traffic analysis

The following is a report on ACTION-LINKS for the Partial-Word: free

Evidence of vote-manipulation-fraud in Ohio Presidential results

Home Page of ACLU = American Civil Liberties Union
ACLU defends American's Civil Liberties guaranteed by the US Constitution's BILL OF RIGHTS regarding freedoms of: speech, press, petition, privacy, innocent until proven guilty, etc.

The Text of the 2001 Patriot Act
The USA Law rushed through Congress which did not read it before voting to detroy many our CONSTITUTIONALLY GUARANTEED freedoms

ACLU's analysis of the 2001 Patriot Act
Read about threats to USA freedoms approved by WAR BLINDED Members of Congress

The Free Press is Threatened by war; support Freedom of Press!
One way WAR costs US a lot is by how WAR inhibits/represses media for truthful communications

Essay Links will follow below in due course.