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The following provides some information about the DVD  "CONSUME THIS MOVIE!"  

For more information go to:

The following information is organized so that a group can view and discuss 
one-third of the DVD during each of three sessions of about 90 Minutes each;
allowing about an hour of discussion time for each session.

The video speak to concerned citizens with: wit/humor via historic-images, music, sounds, and sociological
analyses.  It makes almost no use of numbers, graphs, algebra, lectures, political-speeches, etc.  It is
more-sophisticated in   the-insights-conveyed,  than is immediately-evident.   It will provide sustained
conversation-starters about:  "What can we ourselves do?"

Chapter CUMULATIVE Time 
        to-reach each chapter.

           h:mm:ss      mm      Chapter Title

 #1           0:00      00      Golden Egg Goose
 #2           2:15      02      Spending Becomes You
 #3           3:04      03      What's Wrong With Materialism?
 #4           7:50      08      Immigrants to America
 #5          10:30      11      The Industrial Revolution
 #6          11:50      12      1980's In THE U.S.A.
 #7          13:20      13      1950's In the U.S.A.
 #8          18:18      19      1970'S iN the U.S.A.
 #9          20:47      21      Who is In Control of Consuming?

                        31      Minutes for chapters #1 through #9


#10          30:57      31      When is MORE NOT-enough? 
#11          36:30      37      Take Back Your Time - - - For a Limited-Time-Only
#12          40:09      41      The-Common-Good
#13          49:30      50      Peak-Oil

                        25      Minutes for chapters #10 through #13


#14          55:30      56      While Supplies Last
#15        1:03         63      Extinction
#16        1:08         68      Social Justice
#17        1:11         71      Resolution/Revolution
#18        1:15         75      Concluding commentary
End        1:20         80      Time to the end of the Concluding commentary

                        24      Minutes for chapters #14 through #18