blog traffic analysis

The following is a report on LINKS for the PartialWord: confl

Middle-East Road-Map
Learn about the Road-Map for resolving conflict, tension, terrorism, and war

Non-VIOLENT RESOLUTION Palestinean/Isreaeli Conflict
What possibilities for NON-VIOLENT RESOLUTION OF conflicts in the Middle-East

A USA Southerner's responses to FUNDAMENTALISM
The HOME PAGE of the cowboy-looking Southerner's Web Site.

A helpful website on intractable polarization & conflict
Offered by this parent site.
Included are hyperlinks back and forth within one paper,

UCI Police website on conflict resolution
Explore a police department's suggestions on De-Polarization/Conflict-Resolution

On Depolarization
A resource regarding community De-Polarization

How can we deal we people we do not understand?
Alienation from our "enemies" leads to tragic mis-understandings and distructive conflicts.