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Links to Action Groups and Resources

Links to Action from The Essays System at

Balancing faith and action.

Linking you with others like you.

We need to balance being involved in Action-Groups with being involved with thoughtful people in communiies which focus upon: study, mediation and dialogue about our paradigms, values, ideals, virtues, hopes, aspirations, priorities, etc.

Find here related links to sources and resources which you may help you keep in balance. By following links here --- you can find additional balancing links.


RISING WATERS, Global Warming
This is a professionally produced VCR film about US and the Pacific Islands that are now being flooded by rising sea-levels encouraged by Global Warming. The film drives home the reality that all members of the crew of Space-Ship-Earth are unavoidably inter-dependent!

Big Cities near Coasts of Oceans and Seas

How many really BIG CITIES are NOT on a ocean coast or at low elevation near an ocean? Name as many as you can!

Tuvalu: Going Under, A Global Warming Case Study

A less polished DVD film, passionately produced by natives of the Pacific Island Nation of Tuvalu, telling the world how their whole nation is now experiencing flooding due to rising ocean waters encouraged by the rising fuel consumption of rich people like US. If the low islanders are forced by rich people to vacate their nation, a centuries old rich culture will most likely vanish.

Video Synopsis of the film Tuvalu: Going Under

Web site of the Tuvaluis Islands

TUVALU, That Sinking Feeling

The cover article in the August 2004 SMITHSONIAL was about TUVALU. The above link is to the magazine headquarters, not the article itself.

BusinessWeek of August 16, 2004 featured GLOBAL WARMING

Find what a leading business magazine is saying about the daily realities of today's and tomorrow's global warming! These are true conservatives seeking to conserve their world's integrity!

Global Warming from Perspective of The Sierra Club

This links to one web page on the Sierra Club National Web Site on Global Warming

View global warming animations by Nat. Geographic

The major portion of the September 2004 National Geographic was devoted to GLOBAL WARMING in terms of pictorial reports about what is already happening dramatically on the groun. This is not a report of the latest theory. Click above to go to a special web site on global warming.


The October 2004 Scientific American dealt with CONTROLLING HURRICANES in the future. Hurricanes by any name combine with rising waters to create major catastrophies.

~ Global Population Growth ~

Various Web Sites focused upon Global Population Growth follow below. With our global population NOW over 6,000,000,000 just a 1% increase means adding 6 cities of 10 million people each somewhere. Will they as usual grow up near ocean coasts like most of our existing large cities? What about global warming and rising waters near ocean coasts? As waters rise will we move our great cities inland onto great farmlands? Where else can we move them? How many really BIG CITIES are NOT on a ocean coast or at a low elevation near an ocean?
Name as many as you can! Big Cities on Ocean and Sea Coasts
#1 of various sites giving information about and perspectives on Global Population Growth
The Principle Agglomerations of the Word <==> Giant Megopolises
#2 of various sites giving information about and perspectives on Global Population Growth Global Population Growth Facts #1
#3 of various sites giving information about and perspectives on Global Population Growth Global Population Growth Facts #2
#4 of various sites giving information about and perspectives on Global Population Growth Global Population Growth Facts #3
#5 of various sites giving information about and perspectives on Global Population Growth Global Population Growth Facts #4
#6 of various sites giving information about and perspectives on Global Population Growth Negative Global Population Growth Facts #5
#7 of various sites giving information about and perspectives on Global Population Growth Global Population Growth Facts #6
#8 of various sites giving information about and perspectives on Global Population Growth
Zero Population Growth ==> Renamed ==> Population Connection #6
#9 of various sites giving information about and perspectives on Global Population Growth

~ Links to Officials' Web Sites ~

Democratic National Committee Web-Site
One of the two Dominant Political Parties in the USA
Republican National Committee Web-Site
One of the two Dominant Political Parties in the USA
Kerry-Edwards Official Campaign Web Site
One of the two Dominant Candidates for President of the USA
Bush-Cheney Official Campaign Web Site
One of the two Dominant Candidates for President of the USA
Contacting the Congress Email Gateway
Facilitator for citizens wishing to contact members of congress via email
Non-Partisan LWV National Website facilitating political action
Non-Partisan League of Women Voters helps citizens become informed
BI-Partisan UNA Supports the work of the United Nations
This USA bipartisan citizen group helps USA citizens become informed about the UN
Official Home Page of the United Nations
This connects to ALL aspects of the United Nations as a whole.
About the United Nations
This connects to some web pages describing aspects of the UN
About Main Bodies within the UN
Learn about the many Main Bodies within the UN and what they do for us
Members Nations of the UN
Learn what nations in Space-Ship-Earth are Members of the United Nations
The Situation in Iraq
Learn what the situation is in Iraq from the perspective of the UN
Middle-East Road-Map
Learn about the Road-Map for resolving conflict, tension, terrorism, and war
UN Actions to reduce Terrorism
Learn what the UN is seeking to do to reduce Terrorism within Space-Ship-Earth
Global Issues on the UN Agenda
Learn what the business of the UN is within Space-Ship-Earth
UN Promoting Civility and Business
Learn what the UN is doing to promote civility, stability, cooperation and good business
Find out about live video broadcasts from the UN
On special occasions you can sometimes watch the UN live over your computer.
The UN Cyber School Bus is Waiting for you
Click above to get onto the UN Cyber School Bus, and learn more about the UN

~ Web Sites about and/or by significant citizens' action groups ~

Blood Brothers about Elias Chacour as a peacemaker
This is a free e-Book for a limited time. About peacemaking in the Middle East with many links.
The Children of Galilee is about their peacemaking
This is a free e-Book for a limited time about children learning peacemaking in Galilee
Elias Chacur works as a peacemaker in the Middle East
Against tremendous odds Elias Chacur has created schools for Arabs, Jews & Christians
US citizens support Elias Chacur
US based organzation exists to interpret and support the work of FatherElias Chacur
Full Site Map of Mar Elias Educational Institutions
Many clicable links to other information about Father Mar Elias, a great peacemaker in Galilee

~ Links to Citizen-Action Groups ~

The Full Sierra Cub National Web Site
#1 of a Citizen-Action Groups' Web Sites