In order to Lay-FOUNDATIONS for Mitigating-our-Own Conflicts-that-Generate-Alienations - - - we need to attend to the challenges that exist in any effort to Build-Trust in our Reflexive-Personal-Relationships - - - Locally-and- Globally - - - in the Long-Term. ( Alienative-Conflicts are Conflicts-that-Generate-Tragic-Alienations. ) Laying-FOUNDATIONS comes first; and must be coordinated with plans to build upon those initially laid FOUNDATIONS. We must keep in mind what the FOUNDATIONS must be able to SUSTAIN US-ALL in the Long-Term; in the face of the coming Major-Environmental-Changes - - - now anticipate due to VERY-WELL-INFORMED EXPECTED CHANGES in GLOBAL: Climates, Temperatures, Ocean-Levels, Storms, Earth-Quakes, Tsunamis, Volcanic-Activity, Hurricanes, Tornadoes, Flooding, Water-Shortages, Oil-Shortages, Natural-Gas-Shortages, Coal-Shortages and UNSUSTAINABLE Exponential-Growths in: Populations, Per-Capita-Per-Year-Consumption, Garbage, Pollution, Alienations, Contentiousness, and Alienative-Conflicts - - - within God's Astronomically-Tiny Spherical-Space-Ship-Earth within God's Unimaginably: Vast, Empty, Cold and Dangerous Cosmic-Ray-Laced expanding COSMOS of: Stars, Planets, Moons, Asteroids, Star-Clusters, Galaxies, and Galactic-Clusters - - - NONE-OF-WHICH CAN-BE-CONTROLLED by us of God's-Space-Ship-Earth. We can Build-Trust in our Personal-Relationships only as we: Cooperate, Collaborate and Coordinate our efforts to Build-Trust in each other's Authentic-Commitments-to-and-Covenants-Regarding Coherent-Clusters of Mutually- Complementary-and-Supportive: Ideals, Values, Principles, Virtues and Grounds-for-Hope. Our Personal-and-communal Relationships - - - cannot be Coherently-Sustainable For-Long - - - if we have INTERNALIZED within us-and/or our communities - - - Alienative-Conflicts Within and/or Among CONFLICTING: Ideals, Values, Principles, Virtues and Grounds-for-Hope - - - such as: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GREED HOARDING Perfection Purity-Unity-AND-Peace Loyalty Profits Invulnerability Stability Security Safety Economic-Growth Consumption-Growth Control Predictability Obedience Dominance Orthodoxy Conformity Winning-Conflicts Controlling-Conflicts Winning-Collusive-Games-of-Mutual-Self-Deception Certainty Superiority Eternal-Life Military-Industrial-Congressional-Complexes Simple-Religious-Beliefs ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It is not Safe-to-Trust: People, Families, Tribes, Coalitions, Gangs, Mobs, Organizations and/or Corporations who have Thoughtlessly-Internalized and Committed-Themselves-to-Affirming-and-Demonstrating Loyalty-Unto: Conflicting-Sets-Of: Goals Plans Life-Styles Ideals Values Principles Virtues and Grounds-for-Hope - - - Individually And/Or Corporately within Communities-of-Like-People. Individuals and Communities that are NOT: Coherent, Cooperative, Coordinated, Collaborative, Authentic, and Regularly-Engaged in Open-and-Honest Listening-and-Dialogue - - - Are-Not- WORTHY-of-TRUST; Trustworthy! They cannot engage in: Coherent, Reliable, Sustainable, Open-and-Honest, Objective-and- Reflexive Systems-Analyses - - - Regarding all present Threats-to-Trust and Long-Term-Sustainability! Be-Aware and Beware-of-such-Threats - - - especially when they are HIDDEN by WINNERS of Collusive-Games-of-Mutual-Self-Deception - - - BECAUSE-OF-HOW ALIENATION Is-Central in all of the above threats WITHIN Concentrations-of-Wealth-and-Powers. We need to take-careful-care in-dealing-with Calls-to-Avoid particular Kinds-of-Risks-and-Dangers. DO-SO In-Coordination with Taking-Careful-Care to Deal-With the All-Pervasive-Risks of Personal-and-Communal forms of ALIENATION-From Mutually-Complementary-and-Supportive Sets-of: Ideals, Values, Principles, Virtues, Grounds-for-Hope and Ultimate-Goals. We cannot be Coherently: Cooperative-Collaborators in Coordinated, Thoughtful and Informed RESPONSES to New-Threats to our: Integrative-Processes, Present-Integrities, and Sustainability - - - if we are ALIENATED from Our-Selves and/or from Each-Other Person and/or Community that is "different" in ways which "threaten" US in our fear-full postures! We need to Detect-Early Real-Threats and Be-Engaged-In Informed-and-Thoughtful-Dialogues about Real-Threats due to our internalized Incoherent-and-Conflicting: Ideals, Values, Principles, Virtues and Grounds-for-Hope. They are the origins of our Destructive-Tragedies that are rooted in Commitments-to-Simplistic-Idealism that is lacking in: Information, Thoughtfulness, Sympathy, Empathy, Sensitivity, Listening, Hospitality, Generosity and Mutual-Acceptance - - within: Individuals, Families, Tribes, Gangs, Neighborhoods, Villages, Cities, States, Churches, Nations, Corporations, and the Whole-Crew of God's Astronomically Tiny-and-Isolated Spherical-Space-Ship EARTH traveling as it is through God's unimaginably: Large, Empty, Cold and Dangerous COSMOS! Beware of ALIENATION in all of ALIENATION's forms! It is tragic when any personal-integrity or well-integrated intimate-personal-relationship or set of intimate-personal- relationships - - - is NOT-SUSTAINABLE - - - because of Domineering-Bullies and/or Mobbing-Mobsters being threatened by their presence within their communities-of-domination and unilateral-actions which generate-alienations! In such circumstances and situations, there are likely to be present some hidden Alienative-Conflicts due to Greedy-People WINNING Collusive-Games-of-Mutual-Self-Deception which leave the WINNERS OUT-OF-TOUCH with the gracious ways of Shalom and OUT-OF-TOUCH with gracious ways of Mitigating-Conflicts-which-Generate-Alienation in tragic ways that are guided and motivated by Simplistic-Ideologies of Domineering-Bullies and Mobbing-Mobsters who are motivated-and-guided by deep-seated and un-informed: fears, ignorance, prejudices, anxieties and terrors. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Laying-of-Foundations for Mitigating-Conflicts which generate ALIENATION - - - can be done helpfully only to the extent that the people involved are Authentically-Committed-to and are Demonstrating-Commitments to - - - Clusters of Mutually-complementary and Mutually- Supportive: Ideals, Values, Principles, Virtues and Grounds-for-Long-Term-Hope - - - in SUSTAINABLE-WAYS. To the extent that people are involved in IN-COHERENTLY affirming the following kinds of: activities and/or ideals, values, principles, and grounds-for-hope - - - which TRAGICALLY lead people into the following DISINTEGRATIVE and ALIENATIVE kinds of activities - - - to that extent - - - people cannot helpfully be involved in Laying-Authentic-Foundations for the Mitigation of Conflicts that Generate-Alienations; FOR EXAMPLE WHILE: 1. Concentrating Wealth-and-Powers into the hands of few people- - - in ways that Systematically-Deprive Far-More-People of DISTRIBUTIVE-JUSTICE - - - AFFIRMED by All-Enduring-Teachings about Distributive-Justice by the Founders of the World's most pervasive Religions. 2. Playing-to-WIN Collusive-Games-of-Mutual-Self-Deception - - - which undermine the SUSTAINABILITY of Civilization within God's Astronomically Tiny-and-Isolated Spherical Space-Ship-Earth - - - traveling through the UNIMAGINABLY: VAST, COLD, EMPTY and DANGEROUSLY-LACED with Near-Speed-of-Light bullets - - - that easily pass clear through Space-Ships-From-Earth and damage human bodies through which they pass on the way through. There is far less accessible extra-terrestrial material resources OUT-THERE than in the exceedingly-thin ( about 10 miles = 16 kilometers thick ) cooled-crust of EARTH floating on the UNIMAGINABLY-RED-HOT interior of EARTH that is 8,000 miles = 12,800 kilometers in diameterGod's Tiny Space-Ship-EARTH. 4. To what Coherent and Mutually-Complementary Clusters-of: Ideals, Values, Principles and Grounds-for-Enduring-Hope - - - does God call us to be committed in words-and-deeds? What Conflicts Which-Generate-Alienations - - - does God Call-us-to Let-Go-Of and To-Avoid - - - to Mitigate-Alienation? Be Graciously-Together in Shalom's-Sanctuaries! Be Graciously-Engaged in Open-and-Honest-Dialogues!