Differing-people are motivated-and-guided by differing-realities - - - that are perceived in differing-ways - - - that are mediated-differently - - - by various-contextual-realities that are present; e.g.: Facts Emotions Affections Empathy Sympathy Threats Defenses Offenses Numbers Measurements Descriptions Mathematics Laws Theories Images Pornography Intimacies Fires Explosions Explosives Bombs Airplanes Missals Clouds Rain Hail Tornadoes Hurricanes Flames Earthquakes Tsunamis Asteroids Comets Instincts Bullies Mobs Mobsters Coalitions Religions Parables Beliefs Theologies God-Talk Similes Songs Dances Looks Frowns Absences Wars Terrors Terrorists Economists Corporations Nations Robbers Police Soldiers Rapists Genocides Seducers Embezzlements Collusions Deceptions All of the above realities need to be recognized-and-considered as possibly-relevant-factors in: Objective and Reflexive Systems-Analyses that are Essential to Informed-and-Thoughtful Mitigations-of: Alienative-Conflicts Patterns-of-Alienation Terrors Terrorism and Terrorist's-Behaviors and of: Military-Industrial-Congressional-Complexes and WINNERS of Collusive-Games of Mutual-Self-Deception. Be Graciously-Together in Shalom's-Sanctuaries! Be Graciously-Engaged in Open-and-Honest-Dialogues!