To-the-Extent that people are behaving as Dominant-Bullies and/or Mobbing-Mobsters - - - who are preoccupied with: Controls Coercion Conformity Proprieties Formalities Violence Rules and Regulations that-are-externally-imposed-in-Unilateral-Ways - - - To-that-Extent - - - such people will be Unable-to-Create any: Healthy, Humane and Sustainable - - - Intimate-Personal relationships-and-Communities That Demonstrate In-Daily-Lives Healthy-Forms-of: Empathy Sympathy Cooperation Collaboration Mutual-Consideration Mutual-Respect Joy Generosity Hospitality Balance Creativity Integrations Present-Integrities Distributive-Justice Love Authenticity Admiration Reverence Awe-in-Wonder Humility Modesty Adaptability Tolerance Patience - - - - - The Healthy-Realities listed in the just above three lines cannot be created unilaterally by means that make use of Alienative-Concentrations-of: Violence Force Coercion Demands Commands Conformity Pretentions Dishonesty Appearances Powers Wealth Greed Hoarding Corruption Conflicts Repressions Suppressions Neglect Secrecy Deception Domination Insolence Cynicism Military-Industrial-Congressional-Complexes Addictions Codependency Hopelessness Submission Poverty Collusive-Games-of-Mutual-Self-Deception Be Graciously-Together in Shalom's-Sanctuaries! Be Graciously-Engaged in Open-and-Honest-Dialogues!