Personal-and-Communal: Health, Security and Sustainability - - - are rooted in Coherent-Conceptual Ways-of-Understanding and of Mitigating: 1. Dysfunctional-and-Alienative-Conflicts - - - Within-Between-and-Among - - - Persons, Communities, Ideals, Values, Principles, Virtues, etc. 2. Assumptions, Prejudices, Fears, Anxieties, Terrors, Confusions, etc. 3. Arrogance, Self-Righteousness, Coercion, Violence, Distrust, Suspicions, Exclusivity, Isolationism, Greed, Hoarding, Egocentricity, Isolationism, 4. Collusive-Games of Mutual-Self-Deception. 5. Addictions and Codependent Support-Networks - - - to Help-Sustain Addicts within their Dysfunctional-and-Alienative Ways-of-Being-Domineering-Persons. 6. Greed and Hoarding of MORE of all kinds of Controlled-Possessions - - - by Domineering-Bullies and Mobbing-Mobsters. 7. Confusion within Overly-Self-Confident People-and-Communities. 8. ALIENATIVE-COMPETITIONS based upon the belief that WE MUST-BE MORE-SAFE-INVULNERABLE - - - than our identified un-trustworthy - - - enemies, strangers and neighbors. The ESSENCE is in keeping up-to-date on making daily-comparisons about our COMPARATIVE: Wealth, Powers, Influence, Honors, Possessions, Controls, Domination, Defenses, Houses, Forts, Security-Systems, Threats, Armies, Navies, Air-Forces, ICBMs, "Clean-Atomic-Bombs", MAD == Mutually-Assured Mega-City-Destructions, Quick-Responses, Determination, ability to BULLY, etc. All GOOD-LOYAL-FRIENDS LIKE-US must be SUPERIOR, PURER, STRONGER, BETTER and WINNERS of MORE Collusive-Games-of-MUTUAL-Self-Deception - - - so we will not be distracted from WINNING our BEST-ALIENATIVE-CONFLICTS - - - every-time with-certainty and full-self-confidence; never distracted by irrelevant-facts or-the-needs of inferior-people. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We cannot measure how successful we are in Mitigating-Our-Own-Alienative-Conflicts - - - by how well we satisfy: Ourselves-and-Our-Most Loyal-Friends - - - with Spirited-Defenses of our: Life-Styles, Ideals, Values, Principles and Grounds for Hope. That is a Pathetically-Unreliable-Measure of our success! We can best-measure how successful we are in Mitigating-Our-Own-Alienative-Conflicts - - - by how well our former-enemies-and-strangers, are able to explain to yet other different people - - - the ways in which OUR Life-Styles, Ideals, Values, Principles and Grounds for Hope - - - Make-Sense in Coherent and Well-Integrated Ways of Shalom - - - Grounded-in-LOVE - - - AND upon how well the latter people can convince us that they in turn have come to respect and honor our: Life-Styles, Ideals, Values, Principles and Grounds for Hope - - - so that we FULLY-TRUST-THEM WITHOUT-HESITATION! The reliability of the above best-measure can be gauged by the extent-to-which there are no-traces-there of: Domination Bullying Mobbing Coercion Violence Conformity Prescriptions Fears Anxieties Discomfort Dishonesty Pretentions Dishonesty Hoarding Alienation Greed Be Graciously-Together in Shalom's-Sanctuaries! Be Graciously-Engaged in Open-and-Honest-Dialogues!