Counter of visitors ===>

Beware of accepting-and-honoring Any-Alienative: Demands, Commands, Taboos, Injunctions, Laws, Rituals, Traditions
and Practices that are Enforced by  Excommunications/Shunnings/Banishments - - - because then the  following essential
realities are treated as being of Minimal-Value-and-Importance:

Open-and-Honest-Dialogues  Hospitality   Generosity     Distributive-Justice   Personal-Integrity-and-Authenticity

Balance-and-Mutuality      Cooperation   Colaboration   Equity-and-Mutuality   Coherence-and-Mutual-Respect-in-Love


To Graciously-Mitigate Our-Own-Alienative-Conflicts - - - we Must  Graciously Seek-to-Become-Aware-of - - -

AND Sympathetically/Empathetically understand each other's   Secret-Roots   of  Alienation-Generating:

Fears              Anxieties        Assumptions        Wounds             Terrors              Angers      

Resentments        Logic            Revenge            Reasoning          Justifications       Terrorist-Acts

Terrors and Terrorism cannot be mitigated - - -   without gracious, sympathetic and empathetic cooperative-efforts

to understand how    THEY   lead the victims of   THEM   to:   Feel, Think and React-Emotionally-and-Thoughtlessly 

- - - and to Act-as-Terrorists   in ways which Augment-the-Global-Amounts-of-Terrors  of  all  kinds  in  TRAGIC-

AND-DESTRUCTIVE      Feed-Back-Loops     of     Alienative-Egocentric-Conflicts.


                                  Be Safely-Together In-Open-and-Honest-Dialogues                             

                                       Within Shalom's Gracious-Sanctuaries! 

                                      Mitigating Our-Own Alienative-Conflicts