Counter of visitors ===>

Alienative-Conflicts and Personal-Alienation-Patterns flow from Focusing-Upon and Being-Preoccupied-With:

 1. Persons as Isolated-Individuals.

 2. Persons as isolated-individuals - - - being: GOOD or EVIL, PURE-or-IMPURE, SAVED-or-DAMMED, REDEEMED-or

 3. Behaviors of Persons as Individual-Isolated-Persons.

 4. Standards for Individual-Isolated-Persons   AS-SUCH   to  be-conformed-to,  to-obey,  be-submissive-to,  etc.

                                 But Rarely   Focusing in any Like-Manner Upon:

                       Personal-Relationships   Playing-Primary-Roles   in MITIGATING:

 1. Alienative-Conflicts and Associated Patterns-of-Personal-Alienation which include and feed-upon - - -

 2. Personal: Ignorance,   Misunderstanding,  Confusion,     Distrust,    Suspicion,  Secrecy,        Pretentions, 
              Attacks,     Dishonesty,        Domination,    Violence,    Coercion,   Repressions,    Suppressions,  etc. 

 3. Greed,    Hoarding,    Egocentrism,       Polarizations, Dichotomies, Conflicts,  Battles,        Competitions,

    Concentrations-of-Wealth   and            Concentrations-of-Power

 4. Dominant, Misleading and/or Unbalanced:   Ideals,        Values,      Principles,  Virtues  and   Grounds for Hope.

 5. Demands that Every-Individual Support Just-One:          Coalition,   Team,       Army,           Gang,  or

    Mob-of-Domineering-Bullies - - - to Fight-for-the-Right  To-Be-In-Control.    


 Beware of the Alienation-that-is-Inherent-Within    Accepting-and-Honoring  any  ONE-ALIENATIVE: Demand, Command, 

 Taboo,  Injunction,  Law,  Ritual,  Tradition, or Practice - - - as  having  Exclusively-Highest: Rank-or-Standing over 

                 Complementary - - - Ideals, Values, Principles, Virtues, and Grounds for Hope within:

 Open-and-Honest-Dialogues    Hospitality      Generosity       Distributive-Justice    Personal-Integrity-and-Authenticity

 Balance-and-Mutuality        Cooperation-and-Colaboration      Equity-and-Modesty      Humility-and-Coherence


                                  Be Safely-Together In-Open-and-Honest-Dialogues                             

                                       Within Shalom's Gracious-Sanctuaries! 

                                      Mitigating Our-Own Alienative-Conflicts