There are no Long-Term-Winners in Alienative-Conflicts - - - because Winning does not Mitigate any Alienative-Conflict. Winning-an-Alienative-Conflict - - - Perpetuates the Alienative-Conflict. TO-THE-EXTENT that religious-people-and-organizations - - - Affirm in words, deeds and life-styles: ideals, Values, principles, hopes, aspiration, doctrines, rituals, stories and parables - - - the insights, understandings and paradigms - - - of the World's-Most-Honored Integrative-Religions - - - - - - TO-THAT-EXTENT They-Are-Mitigating - - - Domineering-Bullies' and Mobbing-Mobsters' - - - Pretentions and Collusive-Games-of-Mutual-Self-Deception - - - Regarding-the-Presumed Superiority of their - - - Tragically-Misguided - - - PATTERNS-OF-ALIENATIVE: 1. Domination-and-Mobbing; 2. Demands-Commands-Denigrations-and-Destruction; 3. Pretentious: Ideals, Values, Principles, Virtues, Hopes, Aspirations, Intentions, Plans and Successes"; 4. FALSE Assumptions and WON-Collusive-Games-of-Mutual-Self-Deception - - - that put them TOTALLY-OUT-OF-TOUCH; 5. ELIMINATIONS of Feared: Strangers and Alienated-Enemies who have been identified from a "safe" distance; 6. Technologies that Concentrate Superior-Amounts-and-Kinds of UNSUSTAINABLE Powers-and-Wealth; 7. Just for the Short-Term-Pleasure of a Tragically-Small-Fraction of the Crew of God's Tiny-Space-Ship-EARTH; 8. As it travels through the UNIMAGINABLY: Vast, Empty, Cold and Dangerous - - - Cosmic-Void that is - - - 9. Dominated by Near-Speed-of-Light Cosmic-Ray-Penetrating "Bullets" - - - that are Not-at-All-Friendly to any Mortals who endure for only a tiny-fraction of the AGE-OF-THE-COSMOS within God's Astronomically-Tiny-and- Essentially-Isolated Spherical-Space-Ship-Earth that is providing Most-Mortals more-protections-than-they-know. Be Graciously-Together within God's-Sanctuaries-of-Shalom! Be Hospitable and Cooperative in SUSTAINABLE Civil-Ways!