Many Alienative-Conflicts flow from some people's sense/believe - - - - - - - - - - - - - that they CANNOT BE: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Right Correct Honorable Righteous Superior Accepted Included Supported Affirmed Welcomed IF-OTHERS-ARE-NOT-CLEARLY Wrong Incorrect Despicable Guilty Punished Rejected Excluded Attacked Denigrated Excommunicated ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If some people in a community are guided by the above beliefs/sense - - - their presence in the community will lead to the presence in the community of Tragically-Alienative-Conflicts - - - and Excluding-Such-People from Fellowship within the Com-Unity - - - will NOT-HELP to Mitigate such Alienative-Conflicts and/or Patterns-of-Alienation. More-of-the-Same; will not LEAD-TO there being Less-of-the-Same. We cannot Mitigate Our-Own-Alienative-Conflicts regarding being Included as "The-Best" people in the community - - - by being More-Domineering as Bullies and/or Mobbing-Mobsters - - - - - - than those whom we fear and resent. To Mitigate such Alienative-Conflict we must Mitigate Our-Own-Beliefs that the Keys to Communal-Integrity and Personal-Integrity - - - DO-IN-FACT-INCLUDE the above Opening-Sense/Belief that we CANNOT BE: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Right Correct Honorable Righteous Superior Accepted Included Supported Affirmed Welcomed IF-OTHERS-ARE-NOT-CLEARLY Wrong Incorrect Despicable Guilty Punished Rejected Excluded Attacked Denigrated Excommunicated ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To transcend the above kinds of ENTRAPMENTS - - - we must work cooperatively to augment-by-example - - - the integrative possibilities of respecting-and-honoring people who are quite-clearly: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Different Creative Changing Growing Learning Complementary Complimentary Integrative Synthesizers Questioners Curious Explorers Lovers Intimate Affectionate Hospitable Generous Non-Competitive Cooperative Collaborators Integrators Synthesizers Novelists Evolving Poets Musicians Composers Visionaries Dreamers Empathetic Sympathetic Kind Thoughtful Sensitive Analytic Objective Reflexive Welcome Conversationalists Writers Singers Artists Inclusive Accepting Tolerant Reconcilers Mitigators Humble Meek Servants Healers Helpers Supporters Prioritizors Democratic Conservers ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We need to mitigate irrational-fears of people who are feared only because we are not familiar with them; because they are to us "strangers", "different", "unknown". Fears and terrors which are grounded in: Ignorance, Confusion, Provincialism, Isolation, Alienation, Greed, Arrogance, Self-Righteousness, Addictions, Codependent-Support-Networks and Collusive-Games-of-Mutual-Self-Deception - - - whether WON or LOST - - - are threats to our Personal-and-Communal Integrities and Sustainabilities. To survive - - - we must: Transcend, Mitigate and Let-Go-Of such Alienative-Fears-and-Terrors which serve no helpful purpose! Fears that generate Only-Alienation without any Learning-of-Prudent-Sustainable-Behaviors; ARE NOT HONORABLE FEARS. To survive - - - we must: Transcend, Mitigate and Let-Go-Of such FEARS THAT ARE NOT HONORABLE! To survive - - - as a civilization - - - we must Mitigate such Unsubstantiated-Fears within the Gracious-Ways- of Shalom with Mutually-and-Equally-Shared-Love. Shalom! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fears recommended only by habits and traditions - - - Must-Be-Mitigated in the Ways-of-Shalom; not with more fears. We must regularly do both Objective-and-Reflexive Systems-Analyses of our Non-Productive and Alienative-Fears. Gathering-Together only with people who are very much like us in What-the-Fear - - - is an exceedingly dangerous habit and/or tradition! Fearing the unknown which is never substantiated - - - is exceedingly dangerous! Being Cautious when ignorant is wise; especially when we are ignorant about what it is that we fear! We must eliminate our ignorance of that which we think merits fear and anxiety and avoidance. Ignorance of what we fear - - - is not an admirable form of "purity" which is equated with "honor". When In-Ignorance we Fall-Into-Fear-and-Anxiety - - - we are stuck! Recovery is slower than falling into holes that are deep and enduring. Be-Graciously-Together Within-Shalom's Sustainable-Ways! Work to create SUSTAINABLE CIVIL COMMUNITIES OF SHALOM