Under what conditions and in what circumstances- - - can a Domineering-Bully - - - With-Integrity engage-in-an- activity which will MOST-LIKELY Augment-Alienative-Conflicts and/or Augment-Patterns-of-Alienation? Why so? Describe how a Domineering-Bully can cause such outcomes as a Domineering-Bully - - - in keeping with the traditional life-styles, ideals, values, principles, and virtues of most Domineering-Bullies. Under what conditions and in what circumstances - - - can a True-Lover - - - With-Integrity engage-in-an-activity which will MOST-LIKELY Augment-Alienative-Conflicts and/or Augment-Patterns-of- Alienation? Why so? Describe how True-Lovers can cause such outcomes as True-Lovers - - - in keeping with the traditional life-styles, ideals, values, principles, and virtues of most True-Lovers. What are some better questions to ask? Why are they better questions? Might it be helpful to focus upon the Alienation-Generated by Domineering-Bullies who are indifferent to the COSTS generated by their LACKS of: Concern, Sensitivity, Empathy and Sympathy for the victims of Domineering-Bullies': Wars Violence Terrorism Domination Oppressions Suppressions Greed Coercion Distributive-Injustice Empires Colonialism Power-Concentrations Wealth-Concentrations Military-Industrial-Congressional-Complexes Torture Systemic-Distributive-Injustices Segregation-Practices Collusive-Games-of-Mutual-Self-Deception How can Defenders-of-Civility, Civilization and Defenders-of-the Sustainability-of-Civility-and-Civilization AVOID Collateral-Alienations due to the use of Inherently-Alienative-Technologies - - - - The-Costs-of-Which fall MOSTLY upon the Most-Vulnerable and Poorest Members-of-the-Crew of God's Astronomically-Tiny-and-Essentially-Isolated Spherical- Space-Ship-Earth - - - traveling through the COSMOS' unimaginably: VAST, COLD, VOID regions filled with Near-Speed- of-Light Sub-Atomic-Cosmic-Rays that can penetrate any over-all-practical human-space-ship's walls; walls less effective in stopping Sub-Atomic-Cosmic-Rays than Space-Ship-Earth's Magnetic-Fields and Extensive-Atmosphere which weighs about 16 pounds per square inch of its whole outside LIQUID AND/OR SOLID "surfaces". How can we Mitigate-Alienative-Disasters that are generated by people Trusting Inherently-Alieinative: Techniques, Technologies and Technocrats - - - in many Exceedingly-Vulnerable-Realms-of-Life? We cannot helpfully cooperate in Mitigating Our-Own Alienative-Conflicts; if we are unable and/or not free-to-discern which communal-contexts provide guarantees-of-safety - - - to be involved in Risky-Forms of: Open-and-Honest-Dialogues ABOUT (1) Our-Own-Experiences-Of and (2) Accurate-Reliable-Descriptions-Of: the Realities of: Shalom Sanctuaries Needs Terrors Love Sexuality Deprivation Hunger Acceptance Tolerance Intolerance Greed Redemption Reconciliation Shunnings Exclusions Salvations Integrations Violence Coercion Exclusivity Excommunications Empires Colonialism AND ALSO The Inadequacies of all ALIENATIVE: Life-Styles Ideals Values Principles Virtues Grounds-for-Hope - - - and the corollaries of such ALIENATIVE-REALITIES - - - As Affirmed-and-Demonstrated by many - - - Domineering-Bullies, Mobbing-Mobsters, and WINNERS of Collusive-Games-of-Mutual-Self-Deception - - - Who are Out-of-Touch. ALIENATION is our Principle-Enemy! Be Graciously Together in Shalom within God's Astronomically-Tiny-and-Isolated Space-Ship Mother-Earth!