The BURDENS which Load-us-Down and prevent US from Individually-or-as-Coalitions to achieve Reliable-Invulnerability - - - Are OUR-OWN: Dedications, Desires, Visions, Hopes, Expectations, Intentions, Techniques, Technologies, AND Plans - - - - - TO Achieve-and-Enjoy-Isolated-Invulnerability - - - BECAUSE WE: Are Superior-Good-People - - - Favored by the Ultimate-Powers-That - - - We-have-Managed-to-Control - - - Better-than-other-people-have Controlled-Them - - - And We Best-Cling-to-Them-Tenaciously - - - Never Letting-Go of our Great-Successes - - - BECAUSE: We never need to Mitigate any Alienative-Conflicts! After we have trashed Mother-Space-Ship-Earth, we will get another one! =================================================================================================================== Domineering-Bullies and Mobbing-Mobsters are Dedicated Above-all-Else - - - to creating and holding-onto Superior Positions-of-Great-Power-and-Wealth - - - No-Matter-What the COSTS may be; because of their Superior-Demonstrations-of: Greed Arrogance Domination Violence Coercion Alienation Isolation Pretensions Egocentricity Hoarding Ignorance Confusion Prejudice Injustice Biases Insensitivity Thoughtlessness Imbalance Addictions Dependence Intemperance Tempers Anger Revenge Invulnerability Brittleness Fractures Dichotomies Polarizations In-fighting Tenacity Loyalty ==================================================================================================================== Be Graciously Together in Shalom within God's Astronomically-Tiny-and-Isolated Space-Ship Mother-Earth!