Alienated Domineering-Bullies and mobbing-Mobsters both fear-and-need intimacy. In fear - - - they yearn to have their needs for intimacy satisfied and they try in fantasies to figure out how to be Unilaterally-Invulnerable, by getting their needs satisfied completely safely in sure-security created by domination and technologies; motivated and guided by certain-technocrats. ( Hint: That cannot be done! ) Alienated and Domineering-Bullies play to WIN Collusive-Games-of-Mutual-Self-Deception - - -about unilaterally achieving security - - - safely done in carefully planned and controlled intimacies. ( Hint: Win ==> Out-of-Touch! ) Success depends primarily upon careful planning - - - to be sure to get things done correctly and in time. ( Really? ) Be careful to be fully in charge of all details! Beware-o-trusting any-strangers! They are never trustworthy! ( ? ) Be Graciously Together in Shalom within God's Astronomically-Tiny-and-Isolated Space-Ship Mother-Earth!