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People can be Authentic-Humane-Beings with Health-Self-Esteems - - - only to the extent that:

 1. Their Sense-of-Self-Esteem is grounded in terms of criteria - - - considering which they have 
    played significant voluntary roles in developing them in personally integrative-authentic-ways.

 2. Their own experiences and understandings of those developmental-experiences  - - - have played far more
    significant roles - - - than have their experiences with and under the shadows of: Domineering-Bullies, 
    Mobbing-Mobsters and others who have admired such people's Tragically-Misleading: Life-Styles, Ideals, Values, 
    Principles, Virtues and Grounds-for-Hope - - - which are NOT LONG-TERM-SUSTAINABLE here in Mother-Earth; God's
    Astronomically Tiny-and-Isolated Spherical-Space-Ship-Earth in the Vast-and-Mostly-Inhospitable Cosmic-VOID.

 3. Their Own-Experiences with True-and-Gracious-Lovers - - - have played far more helpful roles in their lives than
    have their experiences with Domineering-Bullies, Mobbing-Mobsters and others who have admired such people's 
    False-and-Tragically-Misleading: Life-Styles, Ideals, Values, Principles, Virtues and Grounds-for-Hope.

 4. They are coherently focused upon many Mutually-Complementary: Ideals, Values, Principles, Virtues and Grounds for
    Hope - - - which are Well-Integrated into their own owned sense of mission - - - in being Who-They-Are in
    fulfilling a Long-Term-Sustainable Life-Style in Non-Exclusive-Ways - - - which others can and do honestly admire 
    and learn from - - - in the communally-integrative-ways-of-shalom.

 5. They have participated in many significant Open-and-Honest-Dialogues with Diverse-Other-People within the contexts
    of Healthy-Sanctuary-Integrative-Communities where it is Truly-Safe to take the Essential-Risks of being Vulnerable
    in Intimate-Personal-Relationships - - - where No-Exclusive-Group Is-In-Control - - - in Dominant or Unilateral-

       Be Graciously Together in Shalom   within   Astronomically-Tiny-and-Isolated Space-Ship  Mother-Earth