Upon what honorable-and-reliable-basis can Domineering-Bullies - - - With-Integrity-Dictate to poor and vulnerable people, how they Should-Manage the kinds of open and honest dialogues in integrative intimate relationships - - - that the Domineering-Bullies have never participated in themselves? Is there any honorable reason that such dictates and demands by Domineering-Bullies should be respected by anybody? When Domineering-Bullies prevail in guiding their own Alienative-Conflicts, there is often little-effort made by anybody to clearly and accurately describe the following aspects of the Alienative-Conflicts which are present: 1. Hidden: Assumptions, Attitudes, Motives, Biases, Personal-Advantages, and Collusive-Games-of-Mutual-Self-Deception. 2. The Alienative-Aspects-and-Costs of the behaviors of the Greedy-Domineering-Bullies who are guiding the evolution of their own Alienative-Conflicts. 3. Who is most likely to benefit, and who is most likely to Bear-the-Major-Fractions of the Long-Term-Costs of the Domineering-Bullies' Alienative-Conflicts. 4. The reasons-why the ostensible-benefits that are highlighted by Domineering-Bullies - - - are falsely-portrayed as likely to be enjoyed in the ways - - - that are Falsely-Represented by the Domineering-Bullies and Mobsters. 5. That the Primary-Concerns of Domineering-Bullies is that THEY be Dominant-and-in-Control; rather than OTHER PEOPLE be Dominant-and-in-Control; Motivated-Primarily-by-GREED and by PERSONAL-UNHEALTHY FEARS. 6. The fact that in Most-Alienative-Conflicts - - - the under-lying Motivating-Factors are the mis-guided GREED-and- FEARS of Domineering-Bullies and Mobbing-Mobsters - - - rather than any truly-likely real-benefits to the Community-as-a Whole-Community - - - in Long-Term-Sustainable-Ways. 7. The need to agree in cooperative-ways upon How-Each-Participant (overtly and/or complicity) is involved in Alienative-Conflicts over the Distribution-of-Finite-Consumer-Goods - - - and how to Most-Helpfully-Act to Facilitate-a-Gracious-Transition toward a More-Sustainable Healthy-Whole-Crew of Space-Ship-Earth in the Long-Term - - - with Distributive-Justice-For-All-Members of the Crew of Space-Ship-Earth. Be Graciously Together in Shalom within Space-Ship Mother-Earth