KEYS **** We cannot truly and graciously Mitigate Our-Own Alienative-Conflicts - - - without Describing-the-Core- Alieinative-Conflicts between Domineering-Bullies and True-Lovers. We cannot Mitigate that which is Not-Recognized, Not-Described and Not-Known in any clearly articulated way which is based on personal existential experiences which we have dealt with honestly in Open-and-Honest-Dialogues. We cannot Mitigate Alienative-Conflicts among people whose Ideals, Values, Principles, Virtues, Aspirations and Hopes have not been clearly described in coherent ways - - - Revealing their Core-Ideological-Conflicts. We cannot Mitigate Alienative-Conflicts among people without describing what the Conflicted-People are Defending and Trying-To-Achieve - - - With-What-Costs To-Whom - - - and With-What-Benefits To-Whom. Domineering-Bullies and Mobbing-Mobsters are defending and trying to achieve" Dominance Control Greed Hoarding Concentrations-of-Power-and-Wealth - - - "Honorably for Good-Causes" "Winning" Collusive-Games of Mutual-Self-Deception - - - "Honorably for Good-Causes" Appearances of Trust-and-Respectability - - - "Honorably for Good-Causes" Appearances of Having-Sustainable-Life-Styles - - - "Honorably for Good-Causes" Appearances of Having-Personal-Health-and-Integrity - - - "Honorably for Good-Causes" Reliability in Successfully-Achieving-Prescribed-Goals - "Honorably for Good-Causes" "Self-Respect" and "Self-Esteem" with "Confidence" - - - "Honorably for Good-Causes" ======================================================================================================================== IN CONTRAST True-Lovers-and-Neighbors seek to facilitate the Mitigation-of-the-Costs-TO-Vulnerable-Poor-People because-of all of the "Achievements" of Domineering-Bullies and Mobbing-Mobsters -> -> -> who in Greedy-Ways CONCENTRATE: Wealth, Powers and Advantages -> -> -> INTO-THEIR-OWN-GREEDY-HANDS - - - with NO-REGARD-OR-RESPECT FOR True-and-Gracious-Affirmations-and-Demonstrations of the Long-Term-Sustainability of the following HONORABLE-VIRTUES: Honesty Open-and-Honest-Dialogues Cooperation Collaborations Mutuality Balance Hospitality Generosity Personal-Integrities & Communal-Integrities Sharing Sympathy Empathy Sensitivity ======================================================================================================================== The ideals, values, principles, virtues, hopes and aspirations the two contrasting groups of people - - - cannot be reconciled with each other in any well-integrated-way. To truly mitigate the conflicts between the-two-groups-of-people, we must deal honestly with the fact that the Domineering-Bullies cannot truly serve their-own-best-long-term-interests - - - by Affirming and Demonstrating their own Disintegrative-Unhealthy-Incoherent-and-GREEDY: Ideals, Values, Principles, Virtues and Grounds-for-Hope. Domineering-Bullies-and-Mobbing-Mobsters are Systematically-Technocratically destroying their own "integrities" and "health" in TRAGIC-WAYS - - - which they do not recognize nor understand! Their TRAGEDIES are rooted in their own Simplistic-Misguided-Disintegrative-Ideals-Values-and-Goals. The Authentic-Mitigation of the Alienative-Conflicts between True-Lovers and Domineering-Bullies must deal honestly with these hard facts of life! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In-Contrast: Within Healthy-Intimate-Personal-Relationships, the participants all appreciate what each other is doing - - - and such appreciation is made clear to each other participant - - - Not-kept-secret! Domineering-Bullies cannot in sustainable ways find and use - - - vulnerable people who will appreciate and share their appreciation for how Domineering-Bullies RELIABLY-AND-REPEATEDLY: 1. Steal-from-vulnerable-people in unfair and unbalanced interactions/conflicts. 2. Violate vulnerable-people's integrities on a regular systemic basis within the laws conveniently "passed". 3. Deceive and Mislead their victims repeatedly while Concentrating Great Powers and Wealth. 4. WIN their Collusive-Games-of-Mutual-Self-Deception and thereby become "Out-of-Touch" with reality. 5. Act unilaterally in perpetuating terrors, terrorism and terrorists in wars of many kinds. 6. Avoid Open-and-Honest-Dialogues with their victims and/or about how they themselves are perceived by their victims. 7. Are Self-Confidently MISINFORMED, THOUGHTLESS, CONFUSED, ISOLATED, ALIEANTED and INSENSITIVE. 8. LACK EMPATHY AND SYMPATHY. Be-Graciously-Together within Shalom's-Gracious-Ways!