KEYS **** To facilitate Healthy-Intimate/Sexual-Relationships - - - we need to help young people to distinguish between the many diverse Disintegrative/Alienative Reasons-for-Avoiding Inherently-Dangerous-Alienative OCCASIONS-OF INTIMACY/SEXUALITY - - - IN-CONTRAST-TO Reasons-for-Affirming Inherently-Reconciling-Opportunities WITHIN-SHALOM'S-SANCTUARIES for Mitigating Our-Own Alienative-Conflicts - - - over intimacy-and-sexuality AND over WHO-WILL-BE-IN-CONTROL - - - DOMINANT? Authentically-Helping young-children and adolescents to recognize such real differences - - - within the context of embarrassments and/or terrors on the part of Emotionally-Immature-Adults - - - is HARD-TO-DO Graciously! The real occasions for Inherent-Dangers in contexts of INTIMACY/SEXUALITY - - - usually involve One-or-More of the following- realities: 1. Contrasting/Unbalanced levels of: Power, Wealth, Education, and Maturity within the people who are participants in the INTIMACY/SEXUALITY. 2. Excessively similar DNA among the participants - - - generating the hazards of inbreeding in conceived babies. 3. Ignorance about the hazards of the participants becoming prematurely/more/excessively intimate and/or sexually involved with each other - - - at the present time - - - within the present context - - - in unbalanced ways. 4. Inadequate attention given to the kinds-and-levels of: responsibility, coherence, cooperation, colaboration, authenticity, mutuality, balance, honesty, vulnerability, tolerance, etc. that are essential in any Healthy- Form of Intimacy-and/or-Sexuality. 5. The natures of the differences-between the diverse hazards created by various realities such as: Coercion Domination Violence Inequality Arrogance Dishonesty Pretentions Complexity Chaos Trying-to-WIN: Collusive-Games-of-Mutual-Self-Deception Simplifications Self-Righteousness Ignorance Confusion Segregations Alienation Diseases Mental-Illnesses Excessively Alike/Different Participants - - - CONVOLUTED by Ill-Founded: Fears Terrors Embarrassment Conceptual-Frameworks Assumptions Beliefs Convictions Traditions 5. The complexity of Reflexive-Relationships that involve many participants and interested-observers/critics - - - All-in-the-context of Alienative-Conflicts over: Standards Rules Regulations Laws Demands Moral-Codes Ethical-Codes Pretentions Within: Collusive-Games-of-Mutual-Self-Deception. 6. The Impossibility of Domineering-Bullies and Mobbing-Mobsters - - - being Healthy-Participants in any: Healthy Personal Intimate/Sexual Relationships - - - because of the Demands-and-Commands of their Incoherent-Life-Styles and their Incoherent-Core: Ideals, Values, Principles, Virtues and Grounds-for-Hope. 7. Typical humans cannot reliably and fully discern the shades in the kinds-and-purity of present-colors- within spectrums of implications - - - that each person discerns within the intimacies-and-sexual-nuances which each person believes that they have shared with each other. Mis-Understandings-and Mis-Interpretations are common; and Disappointments/Hurts Often-Follow! To Mitigate-Our-Own Alienative-Conflicts - - - we Must-Let-Go-Of Alienative: Moods, Attitudes, Assumptions, Preoccupations, Polarizations, Missions, Desires, Technologies - - - that reliably-generate: anger, revenge, despair, repressions, depressions, etc. among The-Dominated-Poor-People Within-the-Crew of God's Astronomically-Tiny-and-Isolated Spherical-Space-Ship-Earth. Be-Together In-Shalom!