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KEYS ****

Keys-to-the-Sustainability of Both Personal-and-Communal   Integrities-and-Integrative-Processes - - - 
focus upon finding/creating  ways-to-avoid  having-to-sacrifice  any  one-form of integrity or 
integrative-processes - - -  to Augment-and/or Sustain any other form of integrity:  in any 


The Truest-and-Most-Authentic-Mitigators of their Own-Alieantive-Conflicts - - - FOCUS UPON SUCH 

Keys-to-the-Sustainability of Both Personal-and-Communal   Integrities-and-Integrative-Processes - - -

and also focus upon the Avoidance of Unnessary-Sacrifices of any forms of Integrities/Integrative-Processes.

The Most-Tragic  Domineering-Bullies and Mobbing-Mobsters - - - focus the least upon such keys, and 

with indifferrence, insensitivity and no sympathy/empathy - - - they sacrifice needlessly - - - most kinds 

of and demonstrations of - - - descriptions of - - - key forms of integrities and of integrative-processes

of Both  Individuals and Coherent-Communities.

                                    Be-Together In-Shalom!

Shalom             Peace            Authenticity   Being-Yourself   In-Shalom         Relaxation