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KEYS ****

EVIL does-not-reside within Individual-Differences which fail-to-be-conformed to the Demands-and-Commands of
Domineering-Bullies and Mobbing-Mobsters.

Domineering-Bullies have-often-taught that Evil-Does-Reside in Isolated-People-Who-Fail-to-Conform-Themselves
to the Demands-and-Commands of "Superior-People"; i.e., the Domineering-Bullies who have successfully:

 1. Concentrated Superior: Powers, Wealth-and-Influence Over-The-Law.

 2. Achieved Great-Distinctions - - - in the Life-Styles of Domineering-Bullies.

 3. Not-been-Corrupted by the above achievements - - - they having certified their own purity!

 4. Won-Many-Collusive-Games-of-Mutual-Self-Deception about their Advantages-in-Absolute-Terms - - - of
    Having-Control-Over the following Personally-Distinctive-Features:

Communications     Friendships      Intimacies     Descriptions     Prescriptions     Proscriptions

Pretensions        Appearances      Impressions    Perfection       Purity            Coherence

Unity              Coalitions       Loyalty        Conformity       Superiority       Exclusivity

Tenacity           Dedication       Certainty      Power            Wealth            Techniques

Knowledge          Wisdom           Mysteries      Reverence        Magic             Rituals

Traditions         Mysteries        Obedience      Individual-Differences             Creativity

Questions          Exploration      Friendships    Intimacies       Pleasures         Visions

Dreams             Fantasies        Forgiveness    Reconciliations  Integrations      Sustainability

Robustness         Flexibility      Tolerance      Integrity        Admiration        Honors

                                    Shalom         Peace

                               Be-Yourself    Together-In-Shalom

Shalom             Peace            Authenticity   Being-Yourself   In-Shalom         Relaxation