KEYS **** The following describes some aspects of the CONUNDRUM experienced by well-educated, intelligent and thoughtful Astronomers and Physicists - - - as regards trying to evolve and enjoy any honestly-and-graciously well-integrated - - - View/Perspective of "prayer"; within the religious traditions where "prayer" is viewed in some sense as "communication" with a God who is like human persons, or vice-versa - - - in a theistic religious tradition that evolved within - - - our Astronomically Tiny-and-Isolated Spherical-Space-Ship-Earth seen as a FLAT-PLANE with the known civilization at the Center-of-the-Flat-Plane. 1. If God is like a person with whom we can be in communication: a. Where in Space-Time is God-Present? b. How do signals from us, get to God? Get from God, to us? From One-Part-of-God, to other Parts-of-God? c. How do God's responsive-effects Get-Back-To-Us. d. Are the effects transmitted by radiations known to physicists and astronomers? e. If not the above radiations; is it by unrelated "spiritual" radiations? How are they related to known kinds of radiation in any coherent ways? f. How do those other radiations have any effective effects - - - upon reaching us? g. Do the effects reach and effect changes in our "brains", "hearts", "souls", "spirits", etc? h. Do the above effects over-ride traditional cause-and-effect-interactions and relationships? Transcend them? i. How can the above effects - - - be discerned within the contexts of more limited effects? Be confirmed by many people? j. What does God do about "EVIL" wherever it may be present? To what effect? Does God act to: Eliminate "EVIL": People, Things, Spirits, Ideals, Values, Principles, Goals, Places, Activities, Desires, Dreams, Fantasies, Pleasures, Relationships, Intimacies, Sexuality, Domination, Violence? How? Unilaterally? k. Does God Unilaterally-Mitigate-ALIENATIVE: Conflicts, Relationships, Activities, Violence, Coercion, Greed, Domination, Taboos, Commands, Wars, Terrorism, Arrogance? 2. IF WE HOPE TO HAVE AN OVERALL WELL-INTEGRATED UNDERSTANDING OF COMMUNICATIONS AND DIALOGUE IN THE COSMOS - - - How then can responses to the above implied questions - - - be integrated well into the well-integrated conceptual framework of: intelligent, thoughtful, well-informed and gracious Physicists and Astronomers - - - who affirm the following kinds of descriptive statements about what Is-Happening in The-Cosmos and has regularly Happened with a very high level of: consistency, reliability and robust-regular-consistency - - - in all known times and places? a. Information and Communications travel a at a speed is at, or slower-than, the speed of all electromagnetic- radiations in empty space; e.g., all radio-waves, infra-red-heat-rays, visible-light, ultra-violet-light, X-rays, and Gamma-Rays - - - regardless of their sources - - - traveling close to 300,000,000 meters per second. b. The nearest star, other than our sun, is so far away that it takes the above kinds of radiation 4.3 years to come from that star to Space-Ship-Earth. Earth-Orbiting Space-Ships with crews of humans travel at about 120 meters per second. That is 4 Millionths of the speed of light, and at that speed it would take about 520 Million Years for such a space ship to reach the nearest star, and speed right past it, if there were no fuel left with which to stop the ship. The amounts of fuel required to go much faster are unimaginably greater than to put our space-ships in Earth-Orbit - - - around God's Space-Ship-Earth. Where does Our-God reside? 3. How are we to respond to such questions in well integrated and authentic-gracious ways? a. Is there a separate god for each inhabited planet with communicative creatures? How do they differ? Communicate? b. Does God communicate with creatures with whom we do not communicate? Do they pray? In what ways? c. Does God unilaterally produce changes that violate the regularity of patterns of cause-and-effect that have been well researched-and-integrated into the coherent well-confirmed descriptive-laws-and-theories of-physics and astronomy? How can such interference augment the integrity of the cosmos? Can we ourselves reasonably revere such incoherence --- with integrity? How are we to transcend with integrity - - - the Quandaries-Suggested-Above 4. What totally New-Kinds-of-Questions and Frame-Works for Formulating: Questions, Attitudes, Moods, Hopes, Visions, Dreams, Ideals, Values, Grounds-for-Hope, Grounds-for-Hospitality and Grounds for Generosity - - - Might-Generate-a- More Sustainable-Civilization - - - than we have recently seen. 5. What OLD: Questions, Assumptions, Attitudes, Beliefs, Ideals, Values, Principles, Grounds-for-Hope, etc. have Prevailed Tool-Long in Alienative-Ways? How many times must they destroy People-and-Communities - - - before it is Safe to Transcend-and-Let-Go-of-Them? Together-In-Shalom!