KEYS **** To Graciously-Help each other to Mitigate Our-Own Alienative-Conflicts we need to understand how Domineering-Bullies' Life-Styles-and-Ideals; lead them to Treat-Each-Other in the following ways which heighten the following listed efforts - - - in their Inter-Relationships with Each-Other. They each ABUSE-Each-Other Trying to: 1. Expose each other's Vulnerabilities. 2. Make each other More-Vulnerable. 3. Distract each other with Fears/Terrors 4. Confuse and Mis-Lead each other. 5. Misrepresent-Themselves to each other. 6. Block each other's Best-Efforts. 7. Confuse each other's Best-Efforts. 8. Heighten each other's Levels-of-Risk. 9. Reduce each other's chances for gains. 10. Reduce each other's Net-Profits. The above Negative-Efforts of course lead to the Augmentation of the following Alienative-Outcomes which are Threats to their Personal and Communal - - - Integrative-Processes Integrities Authenticity Creativity Health Open-and-Honest-Dialogues Trust Reliability Flexibility Stability Sustainability Robustness Progress and Hope. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALL THE ABOVE ARE TAKING PLACE WITHIN GOD'S ASTRONOMICAL TINY AND ISOLATED SPHERICAL SPACE SHIP EARTH - - - WITH LIMITED AND EXHAUSTIBLE SUPPLIES OF EACH MOST COVETED MATERIAL RESOURCES WITHIN SPACE-SHIP-EARTH - - - WITH few LIKE EXTRA-TERRESTRIAL OTHER SUPPLIES - - - WITHIN-PRACTICAL-REACH FOR HUMANS - - - DURING A LENGTH-OF-TIME comparable to the duration-of-humans' Own-Recorded-History Within-Space-Ship-Earth; e.g. a few thousand years. Meanwhile essential supplies are running out in Earth. Activities will slow down painfully! Prudently or TRAGICALLY! Be-Together in SHALOM!