KEYS **** Domineering-Bullies are prone to Forms-of-Idolatry wherein the Revere-Absolute-Commands and Absolute-Truths that are NOT-QUALIFIED-by-Any-Conditions; i.e., they are to be unconditionally honored and revered at all times, places and in all circumstances - - - regardless of new: Conditions Situations Revolutions Changes Alieantive-Conflicts Ignorance Confusion Crises Domination Repressions Depressions Oppressions and diverse Readings and Interpretations by Differing-People who have experinced quite different Heritages and Perspectives Because of their Idolatrous-Absolutes - - - Domineering-Bullies Cannot-Deal-Honestly with Complicated Probabilities, Spectrums of Colors in Rainbows-of-Possibilities, or Shades-of-Grey in Any-Alienation. l