KEYS **** To "make-sense" of some tragic-people's current behaviors - - - we may need to see-the-behaviors as: 1. The results of people being involved in the Playing of Collusive-Games-of-Mutual-Self-Deception - - - in terms of which the behaviors "make-sense"; especially after such Games-have-been-WON! 2. The results of one or more mental-illnesses. 3. The results of one or more physiological-illnesses. 4. The results of one or more injuries due to violence, coercion, repressions, dominations, etc. 5. The results of life-long conditioning by their communities-of-influence; e.g., through: advertising, entertainments, news-reports, economic-violence, etc. 6. The results of religious-indoctrination, pretentious-theologies, alienative-paradigms, etc. 7. The results of the training generated by the pervasive Military-Industrial-Congressional-Complexes. 8. The results of ADDICTIONS TO: Drugs, Sex, Food, Work, Romances, Human-Idols, A-Person, A-Hobby, Alienative-Conflicts, Political-Polarizations-and-Contentions, etc. 9. Post-Traumatic-War Syndromes. 10. Post-Traumatic-Terrorism Syndromes. 11. Post-Traumatic-Violence Syndromes. 12. Post-Traumatic-Alienative-Conflict Syndromes. 13. Post-Traumatic-Excommunication Syndromes. 14. Post-Traumatic-Shunnings Syndromes. 15. Post-Traumatic-Imprisonment-Syndromes. 16. Post-Traumatic-Migration-Syndromes. Victims of all such syndromes are Very-Unlikely to Cure-Themselves of their Own-Syndromes - - - in Isolation, Terrors, Anxieties and Fears. Victims of such Tragic-Syndromes are most likely to be cured of their Tragic-Syndromes - - - within Gracious- Sanctuaries and Personal-Reconciling-Intimate-Relationships - - - wherein they can be both Vulnerable-and-Safe in Open-and-Honest-Dialogues about their Healthy-but-Not-Yet-Met NEEDS - - - with True-Lovers who: Understand, Care and Empathize-with-Victims - - - in Ways which Demonstrate: Sensitivity, Empathy, Sympathy, Kindness, Care, Hospitality, Generosity and Distributive-Justice for All. Be-Graciously-Together in Shalom's Ways of LOVE.