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KEYS **** 

We all need to move beyond thoughtless: emoting, negativity, 
denigrations, contentiousness and alienative-conflicts - - - to:

thoughtful, informed, gracious and coherent affirmations of how we'
can learn-to-cooperate in behavioral augmentations-and-demonstrations of:

Sensitivity     Empathy     Sympathy     Kindness     Generosity     Hospitality     Distributive-Justice

Mutuality       Reciprocity   Balance    Equality     Sharing        Openness        Honest-Dialogues


It is never good to be totally detached-from and indifferent-to - - - the Alienative-Conflicts and
suffering of tragically-abused poor-people.

However, augmenting-our-preoccupations-and-concerns with-other--peoples-Alienative-Conflicts-and-Suffering 

- - - beyond our ability to be of any further help - - - is not good and is not sustainable.   Here MORE is

of no merit, and any self-esteem that is proportional to-the-excess - - - is tragically-destructive.  Relax!

                                         Be-Together within Shalom!