KEYS **** The following statements are True-and-Reliable Descriptive-Statements - - - which Many-People are Extremely-Reluctant to Acknowledge-as-True-Statements - - - because Those-People In-Terrified-Self-Defense are desperately Playing-to-WIN - - - Collusive-and-Alienative-Games of Mutual-Self-Deception - - - to Escape-From The-Realities to which The-True-Descriptive-Statements - - - Reliably-Point! All of the following Statements will merit: MUCH INFORMED Thoughtful-and-Gracious Open-and-Honest-Dialogues. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Space-Ship-Earth is Astronomically both Tiny-and-Extremely-Isolated from all Extra-Terrestrial Coveted-Kinds of Material-Resources such as: Oil, Coal, Uranium-235, Uranium-238, Gold, Silver, Platinum and Scarce-Rare-Earth-Elements that play essential roles in many modern technological marvels. 2. Round-Trip-Space-Travel by Human-Made Space-Ships to the vicinity of Each-Notable-Star Other-Than-Our-Sun Is-Always Going-to-Require Travel-Times That will Far-Exceed All-Recorded-Human-History - - - and Will-Require the Consumption of More-Of Diverse-Essential-Material-Natural-Resources than will ever exist adequately within Space-Ship-Earth and/or be truly Accessible-To-Humans from within our Solar-System. 3. Domineering-Bullies and Mobbing-Mobsters who attempt to Concentrate-Powers-and-Wealth without-limit - - - In-Alienative-Ways - - - Generate Alienative-Conflicts that are Major-Threats to the SUSTAINABILITY and SURVIVAL of the Human-Species as the Dominant-Members of the Crew-of-Space-Ship-Earth. 4. For any Material-Resource-Dependent Exponential-Growth-Rate TO-SURVIVE about one-hundred-years - - - the Annual-Rate-of-Growth must be less than about 2% Per-Year. This will include the manufacture and use of "Consumer-Goods", Cars, Trucks, Airplanes, Trains, Roads, Rail-Tracks, Buildings, Communication-Devices, Entertainment-Devices, Computers, Space-Ships etc. It may also include the generation of: Investments, Bonds, Stocks, Securities, Mortgages, etc. 5. Each of the following realities are Major-Threats to the Sustainability of the Civility and Civilization that exists now, and may exist in the future, within God's Astronomically-Tiny-and-Isolated Space-Ship-Earth. Greed Egocentrism Dishonesty Distributive-Injustice Alienative-Conflicts Exponential-Growth-Patterns Addictions Arrogance/Self-Righteousness Codependent-Supporters Playing-to-Win Collusive-Games-of-Mutual-Self-Deception ====> Out-of-Touch-with-Reality! People who: Respect, Admire, Honor, Imitate, Revere or Otherwise-Affirm - - - The Life-Styles, Ideals, Values, Principles, Grounds-for-Hope, Advantages and Other-Coveted-Aspects of: - - - - Domineering-Bullies Mobbing-Mobsters Concentrations-of-Powers Concentrations-of-Wealth Winners-of-Collusive-Games-of-Mutual-Self-Deception People-with-Superior-Status People-with-Superior-Technologies 6. To-Be-Authentic-Contributors to the Sustainability of Our-Space-Ship-Earth's Civility-and-Civilization All-People - - - REGARDLESS of their levels of: Wealth, Power, Influence, Honor, Education, Popularity, etc. Must be Publicly-Committed To-Doing-Coherently - - - all that is in their own - - - Power, Ability and Opportunity: (1) To-Mitigate their Own-Alienative-Conflicts. (2) To-Mitigate Alienation during efforts to regulate: Private, Unconventional, Creative & Integrative RELATIONSHIPS. 7. Domineering-Bullies and Mobbing-Mobsters in Official-and-Unofficial Positions-of-Influence - - - are prone to try to Micro-Manage other people's lives in Alienative-Ways that cause NET-HARM THROUGH ALIENATION - - - because they generate-few Shared-Compensating-Benefits - - - over-All in the Long-Term World-Wide. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Intelligent, Thoughtful and Well-Informed people who have EVIDENCE that any of these statements are NOT: ACCURATE, RELIABLE or TRUSTWORTHY - - - should be encouraged to publish their evidence so that all people can become well-informed about the nature-of-the-evidence and how-to-test-the-evidence for accuracy-and-reliability; and there should be widely based Open-and-Honest Public-Dialogues about the reliability and relevance of such evidence to questions about HOW: ACCURATE, RELIABLE and TRUSTWORTHY - - - these statements actually are! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------