KEYS **** Domineering-Bullies and Mobbing-Mobsters begin with: attitudes, moods, assumptions, perspectives, points-of-view, prejudices and biases - - - - which carry suspicions about and defenses against almost all: 1. Open-and-Thoroughly-Honest-Dialogues, 2. Strangers, 3. Suspiciously-Friendly-People, 4. Intimate-Relationships, 5. Possibly-Sexual-Perceptions, 6. Possibly-Sexual-Relationships, 7. Possibly-Sexual-Activities, 8. Possibly-Risky-Activities, 9. Possibly-Vulnerable-Self-Revelations, 10. Possible ways of losing control of evolving-relationships. None of the above can be tolerated without: anxiety, fear and terror - - - and still be "good-models" of Domineering- Bullies and/or Mobbing-Mobsters who are worthy of: respect, honor, support and loyalty as leaders in demonstrating the Life-Styles and Core: Ideals, Values, Principles, Virtues, Aspirations, Hopes and Expectations - - - of Domineering-Bullies and Mobbing-Mobsters. In keeping with the above; the above ten numbered lines point to Ten-Works-of-The-Devil and of The-Devil's-Fallen-Angels! Being-Willing-to-Become-Involved in any of the above - - - is a sure sign of a Potential-Traitor to the Universal- Congregation of Domineering-Bullies, Mobbing-Mobsters and the Admirers of them; their Life-Styles and their Advantages in Concentrated Wealth-Powers-and-Influence. There is little if any difference between being willing to become involved in any of the above; and FULL-BLOWN-TREASON! When there is reason for suspicion, FEAR-THE-WORST! We must all help each other to maintain our TOTAL-INVULNERABILITY by Playing-to-Win all of Our Collusive-Games-of-Mutual-Self-Deception! Beware of Diplomats, True-Lovers and Mitigators-of-any- Alienative-Conflicts! We must ALWAYS BE SELF-SUSTAINING. We must always depend upon each other to be faithful to our calling and mission - - - to Maintain our Fellowship-of-Invulnerability-through-Eternal-Alienative-Conflicts - - - - - - - - - We are Protected by Winning All of Our Collusive-Games-of-Mutual-Self-Deception; about All of the above considerations! Shalom! Counter of visitors ===> <=== Click on for information. About information that can you see by clicking on the above counter.
Return to Home-Page when done with either of the above.KEYS **** The following may helpfully be used to introduce a workshop activity on how we may help each other to Mitigate Our-Own Alienative-conflicts: We may be able to help each other to Mitigate Our-Own-Alienative-Conflicts - - - by intentionally cooperating in efforts to shift-our-attentions to helpfully-chosen-affirmations - - - seeking consensuses about what will be most important in any SUSTAINABLE civilization in Space-Ship-Earth - - - because the FOCI-of-the-AFFIRMATIONS will pertain to the fulfillment of ALL of the Most-Basic-and-Healthy-Needs of ALL of the Crew our Community in God's Astronomically-Tiny-and-Isolated Space- Ship-Earth. Begin now by writing down your own brief indications of what you believe are: 1. Our Most-Basic-and-Healthy-Needs as humane-humans. 2. Central Most-Basic-and-Healthy: Ideals, Values, Principles, Virtues, Guidelines, Hopes, Aspirations etc. that need to be Our-Foci in Our-Own-Efforts to Mitigate-Our-Own-Alienative-Conflicts. Form one third as many small groups - - - as their are participants in the Workshop; distributing extra participants to form groups of three to five participants within that number of small groups. 3. Within each group share speaking time equally among all in the group; eliciting input from quiet members of the group. 4. Be brief in stating clearly in as few words as possible, KEY-FOCI-OF-AFFIRMATIONS that may become consensus FOCI. 5. Avoid unnecessarily triggering controversies and contentious altercations! 6. Be explicit about assumptions, motivations and purposes to be served through PURELY-AFFIRMATIVE-BEHAVIORS! 7. Focus on Key-Affirmations that you can safely trust in the widest possible ranges of circumstances! 8. Graciously keep each other focused on this assigned task and do not let each other distract you from this task! 9. Beware of words that even-suggest: negations, contests, contentions, fighting, battles, winning, losing, defeating, etc. 10. Beware of words that even-suggest: domination, PRESSure, supPRESSion, opPRESSion, dePRESSion, rePRESSion, etc. Shalom!