KEYS **** ALIENATIVE-Conflicts destroy Healthy-Well-Integrated-Humane-RELATIONSHIPS - - - as Domineering-Bullies and Mobbing-Mobsters: Demand, Command, Legislate, Prescribe and Proscribe their Un-Kind Kinds-of-Prerequisits to ACCEPTANCE/INCLUSION within their Dominated-and-Exclusive: Clubs, Gangs, Churches, Assemblies, Corporations, Economic-Systems, Investment-Firms and Military-Industrial-Congressional-Complexes - - - BULLIES Always-Being-Invulnerable as Superior-Beings who Stand-Ready to Complete -their-ALIENATIVE-Efforts by: 1. Shunning, Rejecting, Excluding, Banishing and Excommunicating True-Lovers who are in Shalom's Many-Divers-Ways-of-LOVE - - - because they REFUSE to: Obey-Conform-and-Be Loyal-and-Thoughtless-Uninformed - - - - ALIENATED-FOLLOWERS; 2. NOT-ENGAGING in Open-and-Honest-Dialogues about Poor-People's Most-Healthy-Humane-and-Basic-Needs - - - while Being-ALL-Together within Shalom's-Many-Integrative-Ways-of-LOVE - - - in Sanctuaries-Built-and-Maintained for the Gracious-Presence of ALL-True-Lovers seeking to Be-Present - - - - - - - in Open-and-Honest-Dialogue about All of the Most-Healthy-Humane-and-Basic-Needs of All-of-the-Members-of-The-Crew - - - - - of God's Astronomically-Tiny-and-Isolated Space-Ship-Earth. 3. The Sustainability-of-Civilization depends upon OUR-Mitigation of Most-of-OUR-Own-ALIENATIVE-Conflicts within God's Astronomically-Tiny-and-Isolated Space-Ship-Earth - - - Orbiting within the Unimaginably-COLD Cosmic-Void - - - with JUST-ONE- STABLE-WARMING-STAR NEAR-BY at just-the-right-distance-away to keep God's Space-Ship-Earth at A-Livable-Temperature, Year-Round.SHALOM!