KEYS **** "Objectors" commonly focus upon what "others:" 1. Have NOT said or done in-Proper-Conformity; 2. Have said or done in Non-Orthodox and Intolerable-Ways. 3. Have said or down in ways that invite Heretical-Beliefs-and-Actions. 4. Have said or done in ways which distract from more immportant foci for attention. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If people are behaving in ways designed to influence others, on the basis of intuited but unreliably interpreted signals of other's judgments of each others' ground for trust and/or dis-trust - - - how likely is it that communal decisions will be well informed and reasonably/reliably reached? If our objective-and-reflexive-behavior-patterns are not Long-Term-SUSTAINABLE - - - how can we cooperate to interpret-the-signals that-we-have-among-us - -- in reliable ways as regards both Objective-and-Reflexive-Signals and realities - - - so as to make appropriate changes in our own behaviors (both reflexive-and-objective) so as to respond in-long-term-SUSTAINABLE-WAYS; in-all-regards? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What are the keys here to both: (1) Personal-and-Communal kinds of - - - (2) Objective-and-Reflexive-Integrities All-Around; as regards - - - (3) Present-Realities-and-Continuing-Processes; regarding our - - - (4) Perceptions-and-Interpretations - - - of all kinds of realities - - - (5) With which people are playing to WIN Collusive-Games-of-Mutual-Self-Deception! How can anybody WIN under such confusing circumstances of Alienative-Feed-Back-Looping-Around-and-Around-and-Around?