KEYS **** We cannot help each other to Mitigate Our-Own Alienative-conflicts if we are: 1. Unaware of the: Ideals, Values, Principles, Virtues, Assumptions, Beliefs and/or Realities - - - that are in conflict. 2. Unaware of the ways in which: vulnerable, poor, sick, homeless, displaced and dominated-people are being unjustly victimized and deprived of Distributive-Justice in systemic ways which are kept hidden. 3. Unaware of present patterns of: Alienation, Ignorance, Confusion and Disintegration - - - due to the Systemic Playing to WIN - - - of Collusive-Games-of-Mutual-Self-Deception - - - which protect the Most-Wealthy and the Most-Powerful leaders of Our-Communities. 4. Unaware of operative-patterns of Cause-and-Effect - - - that are leading our Reflexive-Relationships in Alienative- Feed-Back-Loops Around-and-Around toward: Corruption, Disasters, Disintegrations and More-Alienative-Conflicts. 5. Unaware of the possibilities of US cooperating in Reflexive-and-Objective Systems-Analyses of our Alienative-Feed-Back- Loops - - - and what the Alienative-Feed-Back-Loops are costing the average member of The-Crew of Space-Ship-Earth In-the-Long-Term. 6. Unaware of the Major Human-Limits and Human-Limitations that make many human: dreams, visions, hopes, aspirations, and expectations - - - In-The-Long-Term NOT-SUSTAINABLE with Integrity - - - due to: Greed, Coveting, Hoarding, Ignorance, Prejudices, Biases, Slavery, Domination, Exponential-Growth-Rates, etc. 7. Confused and/or Misled in our thinking and expectations about any of the above and/or about any related-realities. 8. Alienated from other people with whom we need to be engaged in: cooperative and collaborative communications in coordinated activities that are essential to our personal-and-communal-integrities-and-integrative-processes that are essential to civility-and-civilization. 9. Trapped in Unexamined: Assumptions, Convictions, Perspectives, Points-of-View, Traditions, Dogmas and Rituals - - - Protected by our Playing-To-Win our most Favored Collusive-Games-of-Mutual-Self-Deception. (The WINNERS lose!) 10. Grimly-Determined to Defeat our Labeled Enemies-and-Isolated-Evil-Persons whom we do not know or understand. 11. Grimly-Determined to be Eternally-Invulnerable to the most terrifying threats we keep hidden with our Collusive- Games-of-Mutual-Self-Deception; such as: Global-Climate-Changes, Exhausting-Fossil-Fuels such as Oil, Natural- Gas and Uranium; Exhausting-Fresh-Water-Supplies in the Thin-Skin of Space-ship-Earth, Exhausting-Pure-Mineral- Supplies in the Thin-Skin of Space-Ship-Earth which is Astronomically-Tiny-and-Isolated from all Extra-Terrestrial- Comparable Material-Supplies. NOTICE: A workshop on Mitigating-Our-Own-Alienative-Conflicts can helpfully start with small groups working collaboratively to identify for themselves the above kinds of realities that they need to become able to identify clearly - - - in order to make progress in Mitigating their Own Alienative-Conflicts that are Related-to-Them. How can those foci of Alienative-Conflicts be most clearly described and become the foci for Open-and-Honest- Dialogues which Transcend-and-Let-Go-Of Protective-Collusive-Games-of-Mutual-Self-Deception? 12. Unaware of Other-People's-Actual-Communication-Rights under Constitutional and International Declarations of Human-Rights-Promised to Poor-and-Vulnerable-Members of The-Crew of God's Astronomically-Tiny-and-Isolated Space-Ship-Earth. 13. Unaware of Other-People's False-Senses of presumed: Entitlements, Special-Privileges and Superior-Rights. 14. Unaware of Other-People's Falsely-Based Expectations, Hopes and Aspirations. 15. Unaware of How-we-have-been-Falsely-Lead in some of the above ways. 16. Unaware of Why Other-People are suspicious of the people whom we Most-Trust. 17. Unaware of Why Other-People are trusting the people whom we Least-Trust. 18. Unaware of the Major-Differences Among-US in regards to: Assumptions-Made? What-are-True-Facts? What are Fictions? Collusive-Games-of-Mutual-Self-Deception? What-we-Most-Fear? Our-Severe-Anxieties? What IS-POSSIBLE? What seems possible, but is IMPOSSIBLE? Religious-Doctrines? Religious-Assumptions? Religious-Idols? What Lies Most-Comfort US? Truths-We-Fear? Truths-We-Doubt? What is Proper? What is Im-Proper? We are trapped-together in Alienative-Conflicts - - - whenever we are enthusiastically serving Mutually-Exclusive Personal-and/or Ideological-masters - - - as their thoughtless and/or ignorant Slaves. Under such circumstances we as Slaves cannot enjoy being together in any of Shalom's-Integrative-Sanctuaries - - - truly knowing the essence of: Peace, Security, Unity, Personal-Integrity, Communal-Integrity, Health-Care, Reconciliation, Cooperation, Colaboration and Coordinated-Activities in LOVE's Presence. So long as We-as-Slaves are in Confused and/or Ignorant - - - Thoughtlessly-and-Enthusiastically Serving Mutually- Exclusive: Domineering-Bullies, Mobbing-Mobsters and Ideological-Masters - - - we continue to be Destructive-Alienated- Slaves of those-whom-we-blindly-serve. We are not free in any true sense - - - and we cannot know what is true in any well integrated sense; and we cannot Be-Truly-and-Safely: Sensitive Empathetic Sympathetic Cooperative Collaborators Coordinators Communicators Friends Intimate Lovers United Explorers Integrators Builders Investors Secure Sustainable Engaged In Open-and-Honest-Dialogues about All-of-Our-Needs! Within God's Tiny-Space-Ship-Earth which is our Village-Earth - - - with no More-Sustainable-Place to move to!