KEYS **** Whenever we: regard, perceive, think of, look-at and/or treat ANY-PERSON as-an-object-to-be: used, possessed, owned; overcome/remove/destroy/eliminate, or taken-advantage-of, etc. - - - WE-THEREBY Create and/or Augment Alienative-Conflicts - - - which ultimately destroy US and the victims of our abuse. The qualities of our reflexive relationships with other persons - - - depend upon the: attitudes, assumptions, intentions, desires, hopes, expectations and beliefs that we carry into our relationships. It is never possible to be fully-in-control of our personal relationships - - -. If we think we are fully in control - - - we are alienated from whomever we think we are controlling in our relationships; and are in no position to influence much about the evolution of our relationships. We who are alienated - - - are not able to evaluate the quality of our relationships; and are unable to helpfully influence their evolutions - - - especially if we are trapped in Alienative-Conflicts which are in desperate need of Gracious-Mitigation.