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KEYS ****

A Civil-Democracy is not sustainable in the absence of wide-spread consensuses about Gracious-Keys-to improvements
in the reliability and helpfulness of:

Cooperation       Colaboration           Civility                 Coordinations            Communications    

Generosity        Hospitality            Communal-Integrations    Communal-Health-Care     Personal-Health-Care

Mutual-Respect    Personal-Integrities   Communal-Integrities     Personal-Integrations    Corporate Health-Care   

Reciprocity       Corporate-Integrities  Religious-Integrities    National-Integrities     Ideological-Integrities

 1. What kinds of people can safely be trusted to serve as leaders?   To serve as followers of such leaders?

 2. What MUTUALLY-COMPLEMENTARY-COMBINATIONS  of: ideals, values, principles and virtues - - - are most reliable and 
    sustainable?  Least reliable and sustainable?    Least trust-worthy and safe to honor?

 3. What MUTUALLY-COMPLEMENTARY-COMBINATIONS of: visions, goals, dreams-of-gracious-processes, and hoped-for
    ultimate destinations - - - are most trust-worthy and safe to honor?   Least trust-worthy and safe to honor?

 4. What stories, parables, narratives, songs and manners-of-celebration - - - are most helpful in offering
    insights, guidance, motivations?  Least helpful?  Risky to trust?

 5. How are our ideals, values, principles, hopes, and aspirations connected consequentially to our own Alienative-
    Conflicts and Patterns-of-Alienation?

 6. How do reflexive-consequences flow from reflexive-causes - - - with what degree of regularity and reliability?

 7. Are there possible scientific-ways to prove how the alienative-consequences are actually caused in consequential
    ways - - - due to reflexive: ideals, values, principles and virtues?  Due to other realities?

 8. Can a scientific case be made to show that particular clusters of reflexive ideals, values, principles, hopes and
    aspirations - - - can meaningfully and helpfully be shown to have particular "objective" and "reflexive"
    real consequences; being more than just the focus of unsubstantiated "opinions" and comments.

 9. Are there scientific ways of proving that Alienative-Conflicts can be Mitigated Helpfully in some particular ways,
    but can not as well be Mitigated in other different ways?

10. How can boundaries be defined between hypotheses that can be tested and proved to be true-or-false by objective
    procedures - - - and statements of opinion which can not be objectively proven to be true or false to any   
    meaningful degree - - - as regards consequential relationships?  What helpful role can probability theory   
    play in these regards?  In Politics?  In Theology?  In Economics?  In Reflexive-Intimate-Relationships?  In Sexual
    Intimate Relationships?  Of what significant difference can any of these questions and responses to them - - -
    be to people seeking to Mitigate Their-Own-Alienative-Conflicts?  Where are these questions discussed openly and
    honestly in public contexts?