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KEYS ****

                  Civility, Civilization, Personal-Integrity, Communal-Integrity, Health, Health-Care, 

                  Sustainability and Humane-Hopes are all THREATENED  by the Unrecognized-PRESENCE of:

Dishonesty        Pretense         Incoherence    Greed            Domination       Violence     Injustice 
Lies              Arrogance        Hubris         Imbalance        Egotism          Idolatry     Covetousness    

Abuse             Rape             Deception      Confusion        Ignorance        Bias         Prejudice  
Thoughtlessness   Indifference     Deafness       Insensitivity    Provincialism    Greed        Secrecy       

                  In the PRESENCE of the above realities; GRACIOUS-MITIGATION-Efforts Need-to-Be-Made!


                  Similary there are Threats due to the Unrecognized-ABSENCES of:

Love              Grace            Hospitality     Generosity      Shalom           Acceptance    Tolerance

Hope              Appreication     Thanks          Cooperation     Colaboration     Mutuality     Openness

Honesty           Dialogue         Intimacies      Sexuality       Trust            Respect       Appreciation

Inclusivity       Creativity       Explorations    Integrities     Integrations     Coherence     Unity

Friendships       Questions        Diversity       Spectrums       Flexibility      Compromises   Adaptability

Change            Renewal          Alternatives    Coordinations   Paraphrases      Confirmations Reciprocity

                  In ABSENCE-of-the-above-realities; AUGMENTATION-FACILITATION-Efforts Need-to-Be-Made!


                  INDIFFERENCE to the above THREATS have often led to the COLLAPSE-OF-CIVILITY!

                  How often has INDIFFERENCE-to-THREATS led to the COLLAPSE OF CIVILIZATIONS?
