KEYS **** All Meaningful and Significant: Communications, Coordinations, Cooperations, Collaborations and Integrations involve: 1. Significant levels of Risk and Trust; 2. The need to confirm messages-as-received-and-interpreted, before trusting them; 3. Both Objective-and-Reflexive Communications, 4. Being-Willing to Take-Risks in Trusting-Others, 5. Mutuality-in-Balanced Giving and Receiving, 6. Systemic-Distributive-Justice Affirmed-and-Practiced, 7. The Transcendence of and Letting-Go of Preoccupations with Domineering-Bullies and Mobbing-Mobsters, 8. Being-Willing to Mitigate Our-Own-Alienative-Conflicts, 9. Balance and Mutuality in Risk-Management with others who are involved in any significant ways, 10. Mutuality-and-Balance in regards to various kinds and levels of Intimacies and their Inherent-Risks. The above Essential-Realities of Civility-and-Civilization - - - are Experiences by Domineering-Bullies and Mobbing Mobsters as Major-Threats-to-Their own Essential: 1. Life-Styles and Luxuries, 2. Programs of Concentrations of Wealth and Powers to achieve Security through Invulnerability, 3. Programs of Domination and Unilateral-Control to achieve Security through Invulnerability, 4. Ideologies and Paradigms that are expressive of their Mutually-Exclusive Ultimate-Concerns, 5. Programs of Dichotomization and Polarization to Create/Augment Alienative-Conflicts Egocentrically, 6. Provincial-Perspectives Mutually-Exclusive Absolute-Truths, 7. Patterns of Exclusivity and Excommunications to achieve Security through Invulnerability, 8. Views of the NatureS of their Fragile Cosmic-Egg-Shells, 9. Steps toward Winning all of their Collusive-Games-of-Mutual-Self-Deception, 10. Being-Eternally-Invulnerable; in Superior-Isolation, 11. Levels of Superiority in Alienative-Bliss-and-Security. 12. Unchallengeable Rights-and-Entitlements which must not be Questioned-in-Public-Places.