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KEYS ****

The Gracious-Mitigation of Our-Own-Alienative-Conflicts - - - Occurs Only-to-the-Extent that we all Together-
In-The-Ways-of-Shalom Over-The-Long-Term - - - Net-Augment the Following-Aspects-of-our-Communications - - -

Throughout All of God's Astronomically-Tiny-and-Isolated   Space-Ship-Earth   and Through  out The-Whole-Crew - - -

In LOVE'S Constant-Presence:

Mutuality     Empathy        Sympathy     Sensitivity     Reciprocity       Balance        Generosity     Hospitality

Listening     Confirmations  Honesty      Dialogues       Reliability       Accuracy       Transparency   Dependability

Clarity       Authenticity   Kindness     Gentleness      Reconciliation    Healing        Health-Care    Diplomacy

Receptivity   Inclusivity    Acceptance   Reciprocity     Appreciation      Affirmations   Integrities    Integrations

Celebrations  Thanks         Throughout-All-of-our-Reflexive-Relationships-and-Intimacies of all Kinds-and-Moods.

The places where most of us can make the Greatest Long-Term-Difference; is in our routine daily Reflexive-Relationships!

It is in our routine daily Reflexive-Relationships that we can most help to Mitigate-Our-Alieantive-Conflicts.