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KEYS ****

If we want people to truly trust US, we must behave-in-ways  which  elicit-their-trust-of-US  - - - On-Their-Terms.

    We must:

 1. Get to know them and what their most healthy-basic-real-unmet-needs are now.

 2. Get to know them and what are their most healthy Primary-Clusters of Trusted: ideals, values, principles and virtues.

 3. Get to know them and what their current primary: Promises, Covenants, Responsibilities, Duties, Missions, Callings,
    passions, etc. Truly-Are-Now.

 4. Get to know them and what their primary: Fears, Anxieties, Terrors and Vulnerabilities Truly-Are-Now.

 5. Get to know them and Collaborate-Cooperate-Coordinate-Communicate with them On-Their-Terms.

 6. Transcend and Let-Go: Of the Life-Styles and Preoccupations of Domineering-Bullies and Mobbing-Mobsters; as regards
    their own  Primary: Ideals, Values, Principles, Virtues, Hopes and Aspirations.

 7. Transcend and Let-Go of our Preoccupations with DEFENDING in ALIENATIVE-WAYS - - - our own poorly-examined and poorly 
    understood Primary: Ideals, Values, Principles, Virtues, Hopes and Aspirations.

 8. Seek to become well informed about and understand the Spectrums-of-Coherent-Clusters of Mutually-Complementary 
    Essential: Ideals, Values, Principles, Virtues, Hopes and Aspirations that are affirmed in diverse parts of God's
    Astronomically-Tiny-and-Isolated Space-Ship-Earth.