KEYS **** To: Graciously Mitigate Our-Own-Alienative-Conflicts we need to Shift-Our: Attentions, Foci, Concerns, Priorities, Budgets: From: What is hardest for US to accomplish/change - - - To: What is easier for US to accomplish/change. From: Trying to Change Other-People's-Behaviors - - - To: US Changing Our-Own-Behaviors. From: Trying to Dominate Others/Enemies/Strangers/Evil-People - - - To: US Collaborating-Cooperating-Communicating-Coordinating with friends. From: Augmenting-Alienative-Conflicts-and-Alienative-Behavior-Patterns - - - To: US Mitigating Our-Own -Alienative-Conflicts-and-Alienative-Behavior-Patterns. From: Generating Negations-Polarizations-Dichotomies-and-Alienations by our actions - - - To: Generating Affirmations-Cooperation-Colaboration-Communications-Coordinations in Agreeable Actions by US. From: Other's-Negations - - - To: Our-Own-Affirmations. From: Our Wants, Demands, Commands - - - To: Acknowledging and Satisfying Other's Most-Basic-Healthy-True-Needs - - - Not-Yet-Met. From: What is Improbable and/or Impossible - - - To: What is Possible-and-Integrative in SUSTAINABLE-WAYS-FOR-ALL! From: Destructive-Activities - - - To: Constructive-Activities. From: Alienative-Activities - - - To: Reconciling/Healing/Integrative Activities. From: Copying Others' Alienative-Behaviors - - - To: What we Can Most-Helpfully-Be-Doing in Long-Term-Sustainable-Ways of LOVE. From: Prescriptions/Proscriptions that Generate-Alieinative-Conflicts and Augment-Alienations - - - To: Accurate and Helpful Descriptions of diverse kinds. From: Blaming, Shaming, Guilting, Shunning, Excluding, Punishing, Excommunicating - - - To: Objective-Reflexive Comprehensive-Systems-Analyses of how to Mitigate-our-Own-Alienative-Conflicts and Alienations. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Tenaciously Assuming/Believing/Acting-as-If the Perspectives and Points-of-View of Domineering-Bullies and Mobbing-Mobsters ARE Reliable True Healthy Sustainable - - - And-That-The Perspectives and Points-of-View of True-Lovers with their Mitigations of Their-Own-Alienative-Conflicts ARE Unreliable False Misleading Un-Sustainable - - - TO-THE-REVERSE Discovering by Well-Informed, Prudent and Wise: Objective-Reflexive Systems-Analyses and Careful-Testing In Systematic Ways - - - that the - - - Perspectives and Points-of-View of Domineering-Bullies and Mobbing-Mobsters ARE Unreliable False Misleading Un-Sustainable Out-of-Touch-With-Realities And-That-The Perspectives and Points of View of True-Lovers with their Mitigations of Their-Own-Alienative-Conflicts ARE IN FACT DEMONSTRATED BY MAY EXPERIENCES OF DIVERSE PEOPLE AROUND Space-Ship-Earth: Reliable True Healthy and SUSTAINABLE In the Long-Term For the Whole-Crew of God's Astronomically Tine-and-Isolated Space-Ship-Earth. In-the-Long-Term it is Far-Safer to Trust-True-Lovers and Mitigators of Our-Own-Alienative-Conflicts - - - Than it is: To-Trust Domineering-Bullies and Mobbing-Mobsters who are trying to WIN their Collusive-Games of Mutual-Self-Deception as Motivated, Driven-and-Guided by ALIENATIVE-GREED. Counter of visitors ===> <=== Click on for information. About information that can you see by clicking on the above counter.
Return to Home-Page when done with either of the above.KEYS **** To: Graciously Mitigate Our-Own-Alienative-Conflicts we need to Shift-Our: Attentions, Foci, Concerns, Priorities, Budgets: From: What is hardest for US to accomplish/change - - - To: What is easier for US to accomplish/change. From: Trying to Change Other-People's-Behaviors - - - To: US Changing Our-Own-Behaviors. From: Trying to Dominate Others/Enemies/Strangers/Evil-People - - - To: US Collaborating-Cooperating-Communicating-Coordinating with friends. From: Augmenting-Alienative-Conflicts-and-Alienative-Behavior-Patterns - - - To: US Mitigating Our-Own -Alienative-Conflicts-and-Alienative-Behavior-Patterns. From: Generating Negations-Polarizations-Dichotomies-and-Alienations by our actions - - - To: Generating Affirmations-Cooperation-Colaboration-Communications-Coordinations in Agreeable Actions by US. From: Other's-Negations - - - To: Our-Own-Affirmations. From: Our Wants, Demands, Commands - - - To: Acknowledging and Satisfying Other's Most-Basic-Healthy-True-Needs - - - Not-Yet-Met. From: What is Improbable and/or Impossible - - - To: What is Possible-and-Integrative in SUSTAINABLE-WAYS-FOR-ALL! From: Destructive-Activities - - - To: Constructive-Activities. From: Alienative-Activities - - - To: Reconciling/Healing/Integrative Activities. From: Copying Others' Alienative-Behaviors - - - To: What we Can Most-Helpfully-Be-Doing in Long-Term-Sustainable-Ways of LOVE. From: Prescriptions/Proscriptions that Generate-Alieinative-Conflicts and Augment-Alienations - - - To: Accurate and Helpful Descriptions of diverse kinds. From: Blaming, Shaming, Guilting, Shunning, Excluding, Punishing, Excommunicating - - - To: Objective-Reflexive Comprehensive-Systems-Analyses of how to Mitigate-our-Own-Alienative-Conflicts and Alienations.