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KEYS ****
It will do little, if any, good to try to get people involved in helping each other to Mitigate-their-Own-
Alienative-Conflicts - - - when the efforts are made in terms of focusing upon people's EXTERNALLY-GENERATED:

Duties       Commandments      Prescriptions    Standards      Prescriptions    Guilt      Shame      Greed

Envy         Purity            Rewards          Punishments    Threats          Promises   Heavens    Hells

                               When-the-people-involved  Know-Little-Of:

Shalom       Integrative-Love  Acceptance       Integrity      Health-Care      Intimacy          Authenticity

Listening    Honest-Dialogues  Sympathy         Empathy        Sensitivity      Hospitality       Generosity

Inclusivity  Coordination      Colaboration     Communication  Listen           Conformations     Mutuality


Domineering-Bullies-Focus-Upon                         True-Lovers-Focus-Upon

Hiding Secret-Vulnerabilities                          Sharing Essential-Insights about Vulnerability and Security

Unilaterally-Achieving-Invulnerability-Alone           Being-Equal-in-Generosity-and-Hospitality - - - In-Shalom

Defensively-Fabricating-Pretentious-Security           Safely-Sharing-Risky-Intimacies In-Shalom's Many-Sanctuaries 

Defensively-Being-Superior-Alone-in-Exclusive-Places   Equally-Sharing-Goods-and-Services in Distributive-Justice

Enjoying-Conspicuous-Consumption of Luxuries           Being-Hospitable-to-Strangers as Generous-People in LOVE

Promoting Profitable Greed, Coveting and Envy          Transcending Envy/Greed Generating Alienative-Conflicts

Clinging Desperately to Envy-and-Greed                 Letting-Go of Envy/Greed as Essentially-Alienative-Realities

Preventing Uncontrolled-Changes-and-Evolutions         Cooperating in Changes Guided-by-True-Lovers in LOVE

Preventing Uncontrolled Creativity and Exploration     Exploring LOVE's Creative Ways-of-Shalom in Being-Together

Protecting Superior-People's Powers, Wealth, Secrets   Sharing-all-Mutually-Complementary-Truths Equally in LOVE

Profitably using GOOD-ALIENATIVE-GREED                 Transcending Greed and Concentrating Wealth-and-Powers

Profiting By Manipulating REDEMPTIVE-GREED             Mitigating-Alienative-REDEMPTIVE-GREED               

Profiting By Manipulating REDEMPTIVE-VIOLENCE          Mitigating-Alienative-REDEMPTIVE-VIOLENCE

Profiting By Manipulating REDEMPTIVE-COERCION          Mitigating-Alienative-REDEMPTIVE-COERCION

Profiting By Manipulating REDEMPTIVE-DOMINATION        Mitigating-Alienative-REDEMPTIVE-DOMINATION

Profiting By Manipulating UNILATERAL-CONTROLS          Mitigating-Alienative-UNILATERAL-CONTROLS

Profiting By Manipulating ISOLATED-SUPERIORITY         Mitigating-Alienative-ISOLATED-SUPERIORITY

Profiting By Manipulating ARROGANCE                    Mitigating-Alienative-ARROGANCE 

Profiting By Manipulating PRETENTIONS                  Mitigating-Alienative-PRETENTIONS

Profiting By Manipulating COLLUSIVE-GAMES OF M.S.D.    Mitigating-Alienative-COLLUSIVE-GAMES-OF-Mutual-Self-Deception

Profiting by Manipulation CONCENTRATIONS-OF-WEALTH     Mitigating-Alienative-CONCENTRATIONS-OF-WEALTH

Profiting By Manipulating CONCENTRATIONS-OF-POWERS     Mitigating-Alienative-CONCENTRATIONS-OF-POWERS

Profiting By Manipulating DISTRIBUTIVE-INJUSTICES      Mitigating-Alienative-DISTRIBUTIVE-INJUSTICES

Profiting By Manipulating RETRIBUTIVE-INJUSTICES       Mitigating-Alienative-RETRIBUTIVE-INJUSTICES

Profiting By Manipulating REDEMPTION-AND-SALVATION     Mitigating-Alienative-REDEMPTION-AND-SALVATION


How can anybody help Domineering-Bullies, Mobbing-Mobsters, True-Lovers and Yet-Others to gain understandings
of each other's Perspectives, Points-of-View, Ideologies, Paradigms, Personal-Experiences, and ways of viewing
Our-Alienative-Conflicts and the Possibilities and Necessity of: Mitigating all of Our-Alienative-Conflicts
in order to become Truly-SUSTAINABLE within God's Astronomically-Tiny-and-Isolated Space-Ship-Earth In-Orbits
throughout the Vast-Majority of the COSMOS which is Exceedingly-COLD - - - beyond imagination; near ABSOLUTE ZERO!

Only an unimaginably tiny fraction of the COSMOS is at a temperature in which humans can survive in-any-way. 

A FAR-smaller fraction of the COSMOS; has air, water, and the KNOWN basic necessities for General-Humane-Survival!

ALL-such-places are in God's Astronomically-Tiny-Essentially-Isolated-and-VULNERABLE       Space-Ship-Earth.

This is the only habitable place in the COSMOS. To survive we must take good COOPERATIVE CARE-of-OUR-HOME. 

There is no other place we can honestly and realistically hope to move any civilization into.  Be informed!