KEYS **** How can we truly hope to Mitigate: Greed, Arrogance, Cruelty, Torture, Terrorism, Violence, Coercion, Insecurity, Domination, etc? For starters, we can focus our attention upon what-each-of-us regards as "Mitigatable-Alienative-Conflicts" among PRESENT: Ideals, Values, Principles, Virtues, etc. - - - WHICH we would like to help people to "mitigate"; i.e., to: 1. Overall-in-the-Long-Term within God's Space-Ship-Earth - - - a. Reduce, b. Moderate, c. Make-less-involved-in-alienations, d. Reduce its-role-in-Domination, e. Reduce its-role-in-Violence, f. Reduce its role-in-Coercion, g. Reduce its role-in-Repressions, h. Reduce its role-in-Depressions; 2. Let-Go-Of; and - - - a. Have no good reason to Cling-To. b. Stop being compulsively preoccupied with IT. c. Shift-Our-Attention toward Reconciliations with other people. d. Shift-Our-Attention toward Being-Together-Graciously in Shalom. e. Shift-Our-Attention toward Personal-and-Communal Health-Care-for-All. 3. Transcend-the-Alienative-Conflicts present. 4. Shift-our-Attention-Toward - - - Intentionally-Integrative-Efforts - - - to Facilitate Open-and-Honest-Dialogue ABOUT: a. Helping people meet/satisfy their most Basic-Healthy-True-Needs. b. Recognizing and describing the Costs to all of us of all of our forms of Alienation. c. The Alienative-Costs of Playing to WIN our Collusive-Games-of-Mutual-Self-Deception. d. How Limited each of earth's Finite-Available-Material-Resources are. e. The Impending-Consequences of each Continued Exponentially-Growing and Resource-Consumptive "Activity". f. How Astronomically-Tiny God's Space-Ship-Earth is within the whole Cosmic-Void. g. How Astronomically-Isolated God's Space-Ship-Earth is from all "Coveted" Extraterrestrial-Material-Resources. h. What realities, apart from Dysfunctional-Inhumane-Relationships - - - can helpfully be said to be "GOOD" or "EVIL"? We cannot mitigate arrogance - - by using MORE ARROGANCE - - - - - - - - as a TOOL-OF-MITIGATION. We cannot mitigate vilence - - - by using MORE VIOLENCE - - - - - - - - as a TOOL-OF-MITIGATION. We cannot mitigate cocercion - - by using MORE COERCION - - - - - - - - as a TOOL-OF-MITIGATION. We cannot mitigate terror - - - by using MORE TERROR - - - - - - - - - as a TOOL-OF-MITIGATION. We cannot mitigate distrust - - by using MORE DISTRUST - - - - - - - - as a TOOL-OF-MITIGATION. We cannot mitigate repression - by using MORE REPRESSION - - - - - - - as a TOOL-OF-MITIGATION. We cannot mitigate collonialism by using MORE COLLONIALISM - - - - - - as a TOOL-OF-MITIGATION. We cannot mitigate segregation by using MORE SEGREGATION - - - - - - - as a TOOL-OF-MITIGATION. We cannot mitigate shunning by using MORE SHUNNING - - - - - - - - as a TOOL-OF-MITIGATION. We cannot mitigate banishment by using MORE BANISHMENT - - - - - - - as a TOOL-OF-MITIGATION. We cannot mitigate exclusivity by using MORE EXCLUSIVITY - - - - - - - as a TOOL-OF-MITIGATION. We cannot mitigate fretting by using MORE FRETTING - - - - - - - - as a TOOL-OF-MITIGATION. We cannot mitigate alienation by using MORE ALIENATION - - - - - - - as a TOOL-OF-MITIGATION. We cannot mitiate X - -- - - - by using MORE X X X X X X X - - - - - - as a TOOL-OF-MITIGATION. More helpful than the above futile activities would be any of the following activities: (a) Helping People to Meet their Own and Each-Others Most-Basic-and-Healthy-Real-Needs. (b) Engaging in activities which are: Cooperative, Colaborative, Coordinated, Communicative. (c) Letting-Go-of-Collusive-Games-of-Mutual-Self-Deception - - - because none of them can be TRULY-WON. (d) Mitigating Endless-Exponential-Growth-Patterns before Disaster-Strikes us all. (e) Engaging in Hopen and HOnest-Dialogue about how Astronomically-Tiny-and-Isoates Space-Ship-Earth-Is. (f) Why - - - only Dysfunctional-Inhumane-Relationships are the only "EVIL" AND/OR "GOOD" realities, we know well.