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True-Lovers Together-in-Shalom's-Ways of Creating-and-Augmenting True-Sanctuaries - - - Know-in-their-Hearts'

that none of them has the: Duty, Honor, Privilage, Right or Need to:  Assure that their Diverse-Creative-

Relationships   Are-Properly-Managed and "Successful".  They have Let-Go of the above Delusions and of Collusive-

Games-of-Mutual-Self-Deception - - - that Nobody-Can-Win  In-Isolation  and/or  In-Coalations of Superior-Domineering-

Bullies and/or of Mobbing-Mobsters - - - No-Matter what Positions-of-Concentrated-Powers-and-Wealth they may control.


The Most-Risky-Time - - - is the Time-of-Transition  - - -  In-Letting-Go  of the above Delusions-and-Collusive-Games-

of Mutual-Self-Deception - - - That Nobody-Can-Win - - - - In-Isolation  and/or  In-Coalations of Superior-Domineering-

Bullies and/or of Mobbing-Mobsters - - - No-Matter what Positions-of-Concentrated-Powers-and-Wealth they may control.


We are not likely to make helpful transitions into being able to helpfully assist each other in learning how to work

together in Mitigating-Our-Own Alienative-Conflicts - - - without performing a difficult balancing act as we are trying
to make the transition within a Community of Domineering-Bullies and Mobbing-Mobsters who have been Secretely-Corrupted

by Concentrating much of the Wealth-and-Power within their parts of God's Astronomically-Tiny-and-Isolated Space-Ship-Earth.