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KEYS ****

When making "recommendations" to Vulnerable-People   regarding what "they-should-do" - - -  Ego-Centric Domineering-
Bullies are unlikely to be - - - Well-Informed-About and/or Give-Favorable-Considerations-to the following factors:

1.  Vulnerable-People's   Existing-Personal:  

    Relationships    Committments     Promises       Bonds       Covenants      Hopes            Intimacies     

    Families         Talents          Vocations      Callings    Experiences    Understandings   Insights    

    Values           Ideals           Principles     Virtues     Injuries       Anxieties        Dis-Eases                

2.  Vulnerable-People's Favorable-Opportunities for helping yet other Vulnerable-People to - - -
    Mitigate Their-Own Alienative-Conflicts.

3.  The contrasts between their own: Ideals, Values, Principles and Virtues - - - and those of 
    the Vulnerable-People - - - whom they are trying to influence, guide, coerce and/or dominate.

When making "recommendations" to Vulnerable-People   regarding what "they-should-do" - - -  Ego-Centric Domineering-
Bullies are unlikely to behave in ways which would undermine their Ultimate-Concerns with Being-More-Dominant!