KEYS **** How can we be truly secure in a SUSTAINABLE-LIFE-STYLE wherein we have our most basic and healthy needs met? We cannot be truly secure in a SUSTAINABLE-LIFE-STYLE; so long as we fail to LET-GO-OF PREOCCUPATIONS WITH: 1. Domineering-Bullies and with trying to control all of their alienative-behaviors. Exposing them IS enough! 2. Trying to create for ourselves a Risk-Free-Environment where we OURSELVES can be INVULNERABLE! 3. Unilaterally-Controlling Alienativve-Conflicts between Mutually-EXCLUSIVE: Ideals, Values, Principles, etc. 4. Enjoying more Luxuries than our Neighbors are enjoying. 5. Fighting Alienative Luxuries. 6. Fighting Alienative-Conflicts. 7. WINNING Collusive-Games-of-Mutual-Self-Deception. We can most-helpfully be-secure in a SUSTAINABLE-LIFE-STYLE - - - by-focusing-OUR-attention primarily upon: 1. Being Graciously-Together in Sanctuaries for All - - - within the many Integrative-Ways-of-Shalom. 2. Inviting all who wish to Mitigate-Their-Own-Alienative-Conflicts - - - to join with us in such Sanctuaries. 3. Creating more such Sanctuaries and working to Augment-the-Mitigations of OUR-OWN Alienative-Conflicts. 4. Clarifying what are the Most-Helpful Gracious-Clusters-of-Mutually-Supportive Ideals, Values, Principles, etc. 5. Letting-Go of Preoccupations with CONCENTRATIONS-of-RIGHTS-TO-ENJOY - - - the-following Alienative-Realities: Wealth Powers Influence Negativity Denigrations Polarizations Contentiousness Fighting Certainty Purity Coalitions Demands Loyalty Conformity Stability Authority Arrogance Self-Righteousness Pretentions Shunnings Exclusivity Entitlements Excommunications We can most-helpfully be-secure in a SUSTAINABLE-LIFE-STYLE by focusing-OUR-attention primarily on AFFIRMATIONS! Colaborating-Cooperating-Communication-Coordinating-Togther-in-Open-and-Honest-Dialogues-within-ways-of-SHALOM. It is NOT-HELPFUL to believe that it enough to "Take-Turns" in enjoying Certain-Advantages At-Different-Times! Domineering-Bullies Enjoying-Domination FIRST. True-Lovers being Promised that they will Enjoy-Advantages-IN-HEAVEN! In Shalom's Many-Ways-of-Love - - - The above can be Fulfilled - - - Only-to-the-extent-that the Many-Ways-if-Love - - - are Envisioned-Supported-and-Facilitated: 1. Simultaneously in Colabortive/Cooperative Spectrums of - - - 2. Efforts that involve: Sensitivity, Empathy and Sympathy Together in Open-and-Honest-Dialogues - - - 3. While Simultaneously-Graciously-Letting-Go-Of of All-Inhibitions of the Joint-Mitigation-of-Our-Own Alienative-Conflicts Over-As-Yet-Unmitigated - - - a. Concentrations of Wealth and Power, b. Enjoyments of Luxuries, c. Certainty about ABSOLUTES with regard to: TRUTHS PURITY COMMANDS UNITY DEMANDS LOYALTY CONFORMITY PEACE STABILITY TRANQUILITY TRADITIONS AUTHORITY d. Within God's Astronomically Tiny-and-Isolated Space-Ship-Earth which seems to be SO BIG!