KEYS **** A helpful measure of how healthy, integrated, integrative, and sustainable a community as a whole is; can be the discernment of how often you can find public discussions of the following kinds of questions: 1. What are the Primary-Essential-Differences between Domineering-Bullies and Really-True-Lovers? 2. What are the Present-and/or-Absent ORIGINS of the Primary-Essential-Differences? Note: ( What is ABSENT, CAN BE AN ORIGIN AND/OR A CAUSE! ) a. Heredity, b. Ideologies, c. Religious-Traditions-and-Teachings, d. Religious-Doctrines, Songs and/or Rituals, e. The Work-of-the-Devils? f. The Works-of-Angels? g, Acts of War, Violence and/or Terrorists of allkinds? h. Acts of Greed-and/or-Love? i. Differences in Affirmed/Demonstrated: Ideals, Values, Principles, Virtues, Hopes, Aspirations, etc.? j. Objective perceptions/descriptions of objects and objective-relationships? k. Reflexive perceptions/descriptions of humans and reflexive-human-intimate-relationships? l. Differences in ways that prison building and managements are funded and controlled? For profit? m. Differences in ways that judicial systems are funded and managed? For profit? n. Differences in ways that religious groups are funded and managed? For profit? o. Differences in ways that educational programs are funded and managegd? For profit? p. Differreces in ways that sexual-behavior-standards are created and managed? For profit? q. Differences in ways that Open-and-Honest-Dialogues are created and managed? For Profit? r. Differences in ways that STANDARDS for Open-and-Honest-Dialogues are created and managed? For Profit? s. Differences in ways that STANDARDS for Recognizing and dealing with Bullies are Created/Managed? For Profit? t. Differences in ways that STANDARDS for Recognizing and dealing with True-Lovers are Created/Managged? For Profit? u. Differences in ways that STANDARDS for Recognizing and dealing with Sex-Education are Created/Managed? For Profit? v. Differences in ways to Mitigate Our-Own-Alienative Conflicts? For Profit? w. Collusive-Games-of-Mutual-Self-Deception? For Profit? x. Alienative-Conflicts? For Profit? y. Traditional-Alienations? For Profit? z. Wars by Military-Industrial-Congressional-Complexes? For Profit? 0 Wars on Terrorists using Terrorists's Motives and Tools? For Profit? Domination Greed Hubris Power-Concentrations Wealth-Concentrations What is Tolerated Self-Righteousness What is NOT-Tolerated Who is Toleratetd Who is NOT-tOLERATETD 3. What are the STANDARDS for discerning the differences between versions of the following realities that ARE-SUSTAINABLE, and the versions of the following realities that ARE-NOT-Sustainable? Friendships Coalitions Intimacies Sexual-Relationships Goals Expectations Life-Styles Professions Love's-Open-and-Honest-Dialogues Terrors Terrorists Wars Corporations Religious-Groups Ideologies Clusters-of-Ideals Tolerance Intolerance Sins Domination Hospitality Shunnings Greed Generosity Sexuality Repression Suppression Wins Depression Excommunications