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To Graciously-and-Helpfully Mitigate-Our-Own: Alienative-Conflicts, Alienations and Misguided-Efforts - - -
we each (as personal and communities) always need to Meditate-Upon-and-Discern-How-to-Fine-Tune the relative
amounts of emphasis we place upon Our-Own Personal-and-Communal:  Ideals, Values, Principles, Virtues, Stories,
Hopes, Expectations and Committments of diverse kinds.

We need to do the above - - - as each of our diverse kinds of Environments-and-Relationships evolve-around-us; 
moment-by-moment, hour-by-hour and day-by-day.  The job is never completed!  No one constant prescription or 
proscription can be fitting in all times, places, situations, relationships and environments - - -  as they
are all evolving around us in interactions with what all humans and other creatures are doing.