KEYS **** Domineering-Bullies do NOT: have, recognize, acknowledge or affirm - - - Any-Sound-Basis for saying how much: Power, Wealth, Luxury, Control or Domination will EVER-BE-ENOUGH to meet their needs. In Just- Being-A Domineering-Bully Each-One-Always-Want-MORE! Each one's GREED knows-no-limits - - - because Each-One's ULTIMATE-CONCERNS pertain to BEING-SECURE/INVULNERABLE - - - BY-BEING-THE-MOST: Wealthy, Powerful, Influential, In-Control and Well-Defended - - - Person-in-Contention. Give the above basic-fact-about each Real-Domineering-Bully - - - EACH-DOMINEERING-BULLY-MUST-REJECT each-of-the-following-realities in order To-Behave-Consistently in keeping with their MOST-FUNDAMENTAL- ULTIMATE-CONCERNS - - - WHICH THEY MUST-MOST-REVERE - - - regardless of any consequences! THUS, the following aspects of the Life-Styles-of-True-Lovers - - - are all ABSOLUTELY-TABOO - - - AVOID-THEM! In the presence of any of the following, A Domineering-Bully's Cosmic-Egg Will-Crack-and-Collapse! Each Domineering-Bully is on their own in Competition-against-each-Other-Domineering-Bully; AND Each Domineering-Bully is Utterly-Vulnerable to the Certainty that True-Lovers-in-LOVE will crack their Cosmic-Egg-Shell and so will Collapse their Cosmic-Egg which surrounds each Domineering-Bully. TABOO! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TABOO TABOO TABOO TABOO TABOO TBOO TABOO TABOO BATOO TABOO TABOO TABOO TABOO TABOO True-Lovers True-Intimacies Cooperation Colaboration Coordination Balance Open-and-Honest-Dialogues-in-Love Communications Reciprocity Hospitality Mutuality Generosity Trusting-Strangers Trusting-Doubters Trusting-Enemies Trusting-Lovers Diplomacy Mitigating-Fears Trusting-Diplomats Mitigating-Alienative-Conflicts Mitigating-Terror Giving Accepting-Others Being-Tolerant Exploring-New-Kinds-of-Intimacy Authenticity Coherent-Ideals TABOO TABOO TABOO TABOO TABOO TBOO TABOO TABOO BATOO TABOO TABOO TABOO TABOO TABOO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Domineering-Bullies are Trapped in the prisons they have made for themselves in-isolation-from-the-Cosmos of True-Lovers - - - Protected by Superior-Abilities to WIN-COLLUSIVE-GAMES-OF-MUTUAL-SELF-DECEPTION that are the walls, floors and ceiling, doors and windows of GOOD-COLLUSIVE-GAMES-OF-MUTUAL-SELF-DECEPTION they win. The keys for opening their prisons are the HIDDEN: RULES, BOUNDARIES, BALLS, GOALS, REFEREES, PLAYING-FIELDS, SCORE-BOARDS, PLAYERS, SUPPORTERS, etc. of the games which must not be exposed by any form of advertisement about the superior nature of the games which they are playing at the cost of The-Integrity-of-True-Living. What does the world look like to a Domineering-Bully who is Winning COLLUSIVE-GAMES-OF-MUTUAL-SELF-DECEPTION? How can we Mitigate-Our-Own Alienative-Conflicts and escape Our-Own COLLUSIVE-GAMES-OF-MUTUAL-SELF-DECEPTION? ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Domineering-Bullies need to accept help in learning-via-favorable-experiences - - - about the gradual- processes of moving closer to the least threatening kinds of: neighbors, associations, friendships, and patterns of helpful cooperation, colaboration, coordination and communication - - - about meeting our most basic and healthy needs for coherent guidance in evolving healthy personal-relationships - - - in contrast to the tragic ways in which domineering-bullies relationships revolve through efforts to succeed through focusing upon: Prescriptions, Proscriptions, Conformity, Superior-People, Inferior People, Judges, Police, Punishments, and trying to be Invulnerable in Winning Collusive-Games-of-Mutual-Self-Deception. It is a major challenge to try to make a transition from Chaotic-Living into Integrative-Living together in Shalom!