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KEYS ****

The following can be helpful guidelines for people seeking to Mitigate their Own Alienative-Conflicts - - -
while trying to avoid the dangers-and-risks that can be present in such efforts:

 1. Initially Make-Affirmations of the Most-Unambiguous Reconciling-Virtues - - - through Coherent-    
    Articulations-and-Demonstrations of Clusters-of-Relevant: Ideals, Values, Principles, Virtues, etc.

 2. Later Focus-Upon Ambiguous Reconciling-Virtues relevant to Ambiguous-Virtues within More-Complex
    Clusters of Overall-Gracious-Clusters that Facilitate-Long-Term-Sustainable Life-Styles.

 3. Mitigate the giving of attention to Alienative: Ideals, Values, Defenses and Unilateral-Activities
    - - - Eventually Letting-GO of them as may be appropriate upon careful consideration of them.

 4. Openly-Demonstrate and Explain why you are Eventually Letting-Go of Alienative: Ideals, Values, Deafens
    and Unilateral-Actions - - - in Graciously-Available Teachable-Moments.

 5. Initially focus upon the Less-Threatening-Activities involved in Mitigating-Alienative-Conflicts, and
    only later focus upon the More-Threatening-Activities involved in Mitigating-Alienative-Conflicts.

 6. Do not criticize  any person primarily because that person has NOT supported your favorite cause "X".
    That person may appropriately be engagING in all available time in causes "A", "B" and "C" there they
    can make more significant differences - - - than they could in spending their available time on cause "X"
    there they are not qualified to make any significant difference.

 7. Avoid engaging in an/or affirming the following kinds of behaviors which undermine the possibilities of
    facilitating and encouraging the Mitigation of our Own Alienative-Conflicts; e.g.;

    Resentment   Revenge       Revolts     Punishments   Greed       Domination    Damnation     Shunning

    Negativity   Contentions   Negations   Coveting      Arrogance   Pretentions   Impatience    Intolerance 

    Of course there are many additional kinds of related domineering-behaviors to avoid.